There are various more or less effective methods for thorough cleaning of a bathtub. The bathtub must always be perfectly clean and disinfected.

To remove any traces of dirt or mold that accumulate in the corners of the tub, you can apply various natural methods. To find out how to quickly and easily remove mold from the bathtub, I recommend reading the following.

Why Mold Forms in the Tub

The mold that settles in the corners of the bathtub or shower is caused by the heat and steam generated in the bathroom. As this is the most humid area of the house, it is very likely that mold will form on different surfaces in the bathroom over time.

Mold is caused by a fungus that easily spreads in very humid places. It should be noted that mold is not only unsightly but can also be harmful to health. Some people with sensitivities can develop asthma or allergies due to mold exposure.

In general, prolonged exposure to mold can lead to respiratory problems. To avoid health issues, it is necessary to eliminate mold in the apartment.

How to Prevent Mold

To prevent the formation of mold in the bathroom, especially in the bathtub, simple precautions must be taken. Mold destroys surfaces where it forms and should therefore be prevented.

To prevent mold formation in the bathroom, it is advisable to always ensure optimal ventilation. Good air circulation is crucial to prevent mold growth. To avoid moisture buildup, the room should be well-ventilated after each shower or bath.

Another trick is to heat the bathroom before taking a hot bath to avoid a thermal shock. Equally important is cleaning the bathroom, so every surface in the bathroom should be thoroughly cleaned at least once a week. Finally, do not leave wet clothing in the bathroom. There are various methods to get rid of mold that accumulates in the bathtub.

One method is to use ammonia spray on the areas where mold forms the most. An excellent remedy is to create a mixture of baking soda and vinegar and rub it over the area to be cleaned using a cloth. Mixing hydrogen peroxide with liquid soap and baking soda is also helpful in removing mold from the tub. Just take a regular toothbrush and apply the natural mixture over the mold spots.

Home Remedies for Mold in the Tub

An effective home remedy for removing mold stains in the bathtub is to use toilet paper. In practice, simply take some toilet paper and twist it around itself to create a kind of string.

Toilet paper strings should be placed in the corners of the bathtub where you want to remove the mold. Afterward, you need to spray a little bleach or alternatively some white vinegar on the toilet paper string.

At this point, you must let the toilet paper soak in bleach or vinegar for about twelve hours. During this time, you should not use the bathtub and allow the bathroom to thoroughly dry. Once you have removed all the toilet paper, you will find that all traces of mold have disappeared.