Flowers are always welcome in our homes. They are appreciated for their bright colors and fragrance, but their care is not always easy. Flowering plants need water and suitable light exposure. If you don’t provide them with what they need, they can die. Orchids are no exception. These indoor flowers can wither or dry out without proper care. If you don’t have a green thumb, in this article we’ll tell you how to save your flowers and give them a second life.

Why is my orchid dying?

Orchids are flowering plants that are easy to grow but have special needs, including light, watering and humidity. If these needs are not met, your plant may die.

Garden expert Melissa Strauss explains why an orchid may wither or die.

  • Overwater orchid blooms

The main reason orchids wilt is overwatering. Excess water chokes the roots. These need good air circulation. It is best to let your plant dry out between waterings. Also, opt for a draining soil that promotes air circulation around the roots to prevent waterlogging and root rot. Also, if your orchid’s leaves turn yellow and fall off, there’s a good chance its roots are rotten.

  • Inadequate watering and droopy leaves

If overwatering is a problem, remember that even underwatering can kill your plant. Orchids do not like excess. When they lack water, their leaves become limp, wrinkled and shrivel. To determine if your orchid is dehydrated, check its roots. As they dry out, they become gray and brittle. The flowers will then dry up and wither.

  • Low humidity

Orchids are tropical plants that like humidity. Humidity between 60% and 80% is recommended for orchids. Symptoms of low humidity are similar to those of inadequate watering.

  • High sunlight

Orchids like bright light, but do not like direct sunlight. Direct sunlight can burn the foliage of your plant. Burned leaves die and cannot be restored.

How do I know if my orchid is dead?

If you notice that your orchid’s leaves are starting to fall off or your plant is no longer producing flowers or leaves, it doesn’t necessarily mean that your plant is dying. In fact, its appearance changes when orchids enter a vegetative dormancy phase. To you, it may look like your plant is dying when all it is doing is resting! Dormancy begins immediately after flowering. This is a normal and natural phase of the orchid cycle. When the orchid is dormant, its growth slows down. This is when it is advisable to reduce watering and stop any inputs to the slurry. To find out if your orchid is dying or doing well, check three things: the leaves, the crown and the roots.

The leaves: check their appearance. If they are robust and slightly pale green, your plant is doing well. You should be concerned if you notice unusual yellow or brown spots on the leaves. It may mean that your orchid is infected with a virus. And since there is no cure for the orchid virus, your plant may die.

The crown: this is the part of the plant that connects the leaves and roots. In a healthy orchid, the crown feels firm. If you notice it darkening and becoming soft or mushy, your orchid is dying.

The Roots: When an orchid is healthy, its aerial roots or roots buried in the soil are green or white. If they turn brown or black, your orchid will die.

How do you save a dying or wilted orchid?

To revive your orchid, you need to restore its natural environment conditions. This will give it a second life and encourage new blooms. Here’s how to save your dying, dried up or wilted orchid.

Save an orchid that has died from rotting roots

If the roots have rotted, it means you’ve been watering your plant heavily. Here’s what you can do to save it.

  • Carefully remove the orchid from its pot and remove any soil that is stuck to the roots.
  • If you find that there are still healthy roots or not all the roots are squishy, it means you still have a chance to save your plant;
  • Cut off the rotten roots with pruning shears;
  • Lightly sprinkle a fungicide on the remaining roots and at the level of the cut wounds. You can use sulfur powder for this purpose;

Allow the roots to air dry and then repot the orchid in a new pot. Orchids do not like any soil. The latter must be draining and have air pockets to promote its circulation. Your growing medium should be bark, peat moss or charcoal. These materials allow for better air circulation to the roots. Be sure to repot your orchid in a disinfected, fungus-free pot. You can also opt for a terracotta pot, which works well for orchids.

Revive a dehydrated and dry orchid with a bath

Follow these simple steps to revive your dehydrated orchid due to insufficient watering.

  • Fill a basin with room-warm water and soak your orchid’s pot in it. Make sure that only the roots are submerged in water, as water accumulated in the foliage can cause the leaves to rot;
  • Let the roots soak in water for 20 to 30 minutes;
  • Remove the pot from the bowl and drain;
  • Repeat this process when the soil is completely dry, and then bathe your orchid only once a week.

Saving an orchid that lacks moisture

Your tropical plant needs moisture. You can install a humidifier in the room where your orchid is located. However, if you are worried about increasing the humidity in the room and promoting mold growth, you can use this simple trick.

  • Take a tray with water;
  • Place rocks or gravel on it;
  • Place your pot on the wet gravel tray.

The purpose of stones is to raise the pot above the water level so that your orchid gets enough moisture without getting its roots soaked with water.

Extra tip: To solve this humidity problem, simply place your orchid in the most humid room in the house, such as the bathroom. This plant will also help you reduce the humidity in this room.

Save a sunburnt orchid

If your orchid is exposed to direct sunlight, it is advisable to monitor all leaves over the next few days. Burned leaves can either dry out or paradoxically develop rot that can spread and affect your entire plant. If you notice rot on the leaves, cut them off with sharp, disinfected scissors. Cut the leaves as close to the base of the plant as possible. Then spray the cut parts with a fungicide.

How to care for an orchid and promote its flowering? Easy care to get new shoots and make your plant bloom again

To care for your orchid and successfully maintain it, simple gestures are enough.

  • Orchids need water once a week. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings;
  • Place your orchid in a bright place and avoid direct sunlight. You can place it on the windowsill of an east or west facing window;
  • Spray the orchid leaf every 2-3 days.
  • Fertilize your plant with a special orchid fertilizer from spring to fall.

Thanks to this mini guide, you can save your dying or withered orchid and promote its flowering.