Partly for the environment, partly for your wallet: saving on heating costs is hugely important. To cut costs and consumption, you can follow these daily rules that you probably haven’t put into practice yet.

With the rise in gas prices and awareness of the health of the environment, it is now impossible not to deal with winter heating. The first thing that now comes to mind almost everyone is ” How to save on heating costs?”? A legitimate, intelligent and responsible question, to which, fortunately , there is more than one answer .

Yes, because it is possible to reduce heating consumption in winter in your home or office, following some common sense advice and some rules that are also disseminated by competent and specialized bodies (such as Enea, the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development).  So, try to put into practice these daily measures and you will see the result on your bill!

Turn the thermostat down one degree

If you usually keep the classic 70 °F at home, this year try to reach 68. A single degree seems little, but it really makes a big difference in both emissions and bill costs at the end of the winter.

Take a short shower

Observing daily hygiene habits is important not only to save water (as in drought periods), but also to reduce gas consumption, since the water is heated by the boiler. So, always remember to shower instead of opting for a bath (the tub requires much more water and consequently much more gas to heat it) and try not to stay under the jet for too long.

Make sure systems are running efficiently

Before the biggest chill sets in, call a specialized and certified tech company to have your boiler and heating system checked. This way, you can be sure it’s working properly and at peak efficiency without waste.

Drain the heaters

Radiators get clogged after a while. From what? From air bubbles. So, remember to always bleed them to make sure they work optimally without waste. They heat up the rooms faster.

Set specific times

A bad habit is to keep the temperature in your home constant around the clock, turning on the heat every time it drops a few degrees. First of all, your home doesn’t need to be hot all day long: At night it’s enough that it doesn’t get too cold, and if you work outside during the day, avoid turning on the lights unnecessarily. Moreover, each region has precise rules: check how long you can leave the heaters running without penalties!

Use curtains

Curtains, as well as shutters and blinds, are not only useful to darken rooms, but also help not to disperse heat. If possible (especially at night), have windows insulated to keep rooms from losing too much heat to the outside.

Take advantage of insulating panels

There are insulating panels on the market at home improvement stores that are made specifically to be placed behind radiators: They are useful if the walls of your house are particularly cold or thin (and not insulated). They keep the heat inside and reflect it to the center of the rooms.

Consider insulation

If you’re going to renovate, don’t forget to insulate the house as much as possible, even from the inside (if you’re not planning an external intervention). False ceilings and wall insulation with special materials can reduce consumption by up to 20% by keeping the heat in the rooms better.