Choosing the ideal storage location

Remember: the key to making your potatoes last is to store them in a cool, dry, dark place. Ideally, this includes the pantry, a cardboard box or a brown paper bag. If you want your potatoes to thrive for as long as possible, store them in a well-ventilated area, and make sure they’re not exposed to direct sunlight.

Use paper bags or baskets for good aeration

The best way to allow air to circulate freely is to store your potatoes in an open container or paper bag (not airtight). Don’t smother them in a sealed, unventilated container, such as a resealable plastic bag or glassware with a lid.
Beware of exposure to light and heat

Yes, heat and sun exposure can have a negative impact on potatoes. On the one hand, high temperatures strongly inhibit tuberization, negatively affecting tuber shelf life. On the other hand, they significantly reduce the adaptive value of seed potatoes.

How can they be protected from light and heat?

It’s important to understand that exposure to light and heat leads to the formation of solanine, the notorious toxin in the sprouts, which in turn causes them to turn green. To protect them, cover them with paper or bags to prevent them from shrinking or turning green.

But, if possible, don’t store them in aluminium packaging, as they can quickly go mouldy.

Humidity control

It’s crucial to maintain optimum humidity levels. If you keep your potatoes in a highly humid environment (100% humidity), water droplets can form on the tubers, which can accelerate rotting and lead to disease. Ideally, maintain humidity levels between 85 and 90%. Anything less and the tubers risk drying out and greatly affecting flavor. Since potatoes contain around 80% water, they should lose no more than 4% of their weight during storage.
How can I prevent potatoes from drying out or becoming too moist?

It’s not generally advisable to keep potatoes in the fridge. In fact, they keep longer in a cool, dark place, especially in an area where the temperature is cold (not exceeding 10°C) and damp (around 90%), such as a cellar.

How can I preserve potatoes by freezing them?

Yes, of course, this would be easier for many people, but it’s important to remember that raw potatoes don’t freeze well. They need to be pre-cooked before freezing, otherwise their texture and flavour will eventually deteriorate. What’s more, if they are too cold, they will turn black once defrosted. Yes, we repeat, if you don’t freeze your potatoes properly, they may turn black, have a strange taste and an unpleasant texture once defrosted. But, of course, if you take the right precautions, you can be sure that they will withstand the freezing process.
How do you preserve the quality of your potatoes during freezing?

Here’s the protocol to follow for optimal freezer storage:

  • Peel your potatoes beforehand.
  • Cook them.
  • Important: dry them thoroughly with a clean towel.
  • Place them in an airtight container or freezer bag to protect them from cold abrasion.