As autumn arrives and temperatures drop, many plant lovers are sad because they are forced to give up their beautiful summer flowering plants. What they may not know is that there are equally beautiful flowering plants that grow and bloom in the very coldest temperatures: among them is the Cyclamen.

This small-to-medium-sized plant is famous for its white, pink or red flowers and leaves characterized by multiple shades of green. The suitable time for their cultivation is coming! Let’s find out together what are the golden rules for having always beautiful and lush Cyclamen!

Water it the right way

The main secret to a shining, fit and blooming Cyclamen is proper watering. The two methods best suited to the plant are these:

  • From above

The classic and most practical method is to water from above. This method is very effective and allows you to precisely dose the amount of water to be used, so it is particularly suitable for very cold periods. Water from above using a watering can or bottle and be careful to water only the soil, not the leaves or flowers.

  • By immersion

The dipping method is to put the plant, with the whole pot, in a basin with at least 2 inches of water and leave it like that for about 30 minutes. During this time, the cyclamen will absorb only the water it needs through the drainage holes in the pot. This is a method to use especially during transitional periods when temperatures are average.

Move it according to temperatures

There are no indoor or outdoor varieties of cyclamen. This plant can safely be kept indoors or on the balcony. In fact, contrary to what we are used to thinking, cyclamen likes cool, but not cold: the ideal temperature for growing it is between 50 and 59 °F. Keep it outside, but if it starts to get really cold, move it indoors to a room that is not artificially heated, but not excessively cold. Here are more tips on the perfect place for this plant.

Fertilize it every 3 weeks

The best solution is to use a fertilizer specifically for flowering plants, usually high in potassium and phosphorus. If you decide to use this product, dilute it according to the proportions indicated on the package. It should normally be used once every 3 weeks. Natural alternatives include banana peels. These, in fact, are rich precisely in potassium, and you can use them very quickly and effectively by chopping them up and spreading them over the plant soil. Again, repeat every 3 weeks or so during the period from September-October to February-March.

Choose the right potting soil

Not everyone knows this, but the perfect potting soil for cyclamen to bloom profusely and for a long time should be slightly acidic. Ideally, mix some soil with a little peat and put a layer of expanded clay at the bottom of the pot: this combination will prevent water stagnation. A secret? Just adding some bark to the soil can help prevent mold growth. When cyclamen buds fail to open, follow these tips.

Watch the leaves

Cyclamen leaves can be considered a true indicator of their health status. When its color changes, it means something is wrong and you need to take action to prevent damage to the plant. If they become spotted or discolored, it may be that you have overwatered. If, on the other hand, they dry out, you may have watered too little or put the plant in a place that is too sunny and bright.