White linen over time becomes dull and yellowed; Therefore, its care requires special care. Of course, there are some tricks to make white clothes shine again. A little-used ingredient can help you clean your pretty tablecloth that got dirty during a meal or restore the whiteness of your gray curtains.

Aspirin, an ingredient to save your laundry

The aspirin tube is the most widely used medicine in the world. Salicylic acid was developed by the pharmaceutical industry in the late 19th century and mass marketed in the early 20th century. In fact, salicylic acid has been used since ancient times in its natural form, found in willow bark, as shown in Egyptian papyri more than 4000 years. Originally, it was taken in the form of a decoction to treat birth pains, fever and inflammation. But aspirin has more than one trick up its sleeve and can provide you with many services that you may not suspect, especially in the care of your white laundry.

Stains on your clothes: Thanks to its components, aspirin has surprising stain-removing properties. If you have stubborn stains on your clothes, especially sweat stains on T-shirts and shirts, prepare a paste of crushed aspirin and water, apply it to the stain, rub it and let it soak. Then put your laundry in the washing machine as usual.

Lighten your laundry: The same goes for white laundry that has lost its shine. Soak your laundry in a basin with a solution of aspirin and hot water or add tablets directly to your laundry in the tray and run the machine. You will find the whiteness of yesterday and in addition the aspirin will help remove lime deposits from your washing machine.

What other ingredients can be used to whiten laundry?

If your white clothes are machine washable, these tips should make you happy.

Baking powder: If you are a baking enthusiast, you must have baking powder in your kitchen cupboard. It’s easy to use just add a sachet of this ingredient to your washing powder and your clothes will regain their full whiteness.

Baking soda: Like baking powder, baking soda prevents laundry from yellowing. Add two tablespoons of this white powder to the detergent compartment of your machine and you’re done!

Soda Crystals: This ingredient is more effective than baking soda and very effective at brightening laundry that has gone gray. Add a half cup of baking soda to the drum before turning on the machine. Soda crystals also fight lime deposits.

Sorrel salt: This ingredient is also called oxalic acid and is in the form of a colorless powder known to lighten linen. Two tablespoons of sorrel salt is all you need. Toss them in your detergent drawer to restore the shine to your clothes.

Note that white vinegar, soap, lemon or hydrogen peroxide are just as many ingredients you can use to maintain your white line. Bleach should also be banned, as there is a risk of damaging the textile.