We no longer count the many virtues of white vinegar. Indispensable for degreasing or descaling household appliances, this product also allows you to thoroughly clean your interior. Some people use it in an unusual way to fix a recurring problem in the bathroom. White vinegar is often recommended for natural cleaning of the house and especially the toilets. For descaling toilets, this is the flagship product you should always have on hand. Here is an unusual way to use it that will surprise you.

Why moisten toilet paper with white vinegar?

The trick with toilet paper and white vinegar can be a real alternative to certain industrial household products. The latter are usually toxic and harmful to health and the environment, and do not always bring the expected results.

Toilet paper and white vinegar, an effective trick to disinfect the toilets

We no longer present the many benefits of white vinegar. The secret of this ingredient lies in its acetic acid content. Thus, it is impressive against lime scale, mold and bad odors. It can be used to disinfect the toilet and prevent lime and yellow stains from settling on the bowl.  To do this, simply spread toilet paper evenly over the toilet bowl and then spray with white vinegar. Leave on for a few hours or overnight. Remove the paper, scrub with a toilet brush, and then flush. Bad odors and stubborn stains will disappear from your bowl! It is possible to use toilet paper soaked in white vinegar to polish furniture or other dirty surfaces in the house.

Other tips for cleaning the toilet bowl

Besides the unusual trick of using toilet paper and white vinegar, there are other effective tricks for cleaning the toilet bowl. There is no need to use corrosive and expensive products to keep it clean and shiny. Instead, try these solutions.

  • Cleaning the toilet bowl with Coca-Cola

If you don’t have white vinegar, you can also use soda to clean the toilet bowl. Like vinegar, acid and carbonated Coca-Cola is very effective against lime stains. Just pour the bottle of soda over the bowl and leave it overnight. The next day, use the toilet brush to scrub the inside walls and then flush the toilet.

  • Using pumice stone to clean the toilet bowl

Using the pumice stone in the toilet bowl is the second unexpected but effective trick. Nevertheless, it is necessary to moisten both the stone and the surface to be cleaned to avoid scratches.  For more efficiency, it is possible to pour two tablespoons of baking soda.  This will help you remove dirt deposits more easily.  After scrubbing well with the brush, leave it for a few minutes before rinsing. Gently rub the remaining stains by making circular and gentle motions with the pumice stone, and then flush the toilet to flush.

  • Disinfect the toilet bowl with hydrogen peroxide

Like white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide is effective in killing bacteria and germs. To do this, pour ½ cup of this disinfectant into the toilet bowl. Let it sit for about 30 minutes and then flush the toilets with clean water. By repeating this process regularly, you will keep the toilet bowl clean and shiny.