But how beautiful is autumn, with all its colors and those scents that seem to make us dream? Not surprisingly, we often talk about autumn fragrances, inspired by the scent of oranges, baked apples and warm cinnamon. But did you know that it is possible to bring this scent into the home using natural ingredients? Well, yes! Today we will look together at how to scent your home in autumn without resorting to commercial products but using only what you have at home!

Scented sachets

Let’s start with the classic method, that is, scented sachets filled with juniper berries, dried resin drops, rosemary, sage or some other autumn herbs. Then select the leaves or herbs to be used, after which put them in a cotton bag and arrange them in a few places in your home. We recommend that you place them on the radiators (turned on) so that you can take advantage of the heat so that it can release all the scent for the house.

Alternatively, you can also pour a few drops of essential oil onto cotton pads and insert them, then, into the bags. Among autumn essential oils we recommend bergamot, cardamom, cedarwood, cinnamon, clove, ginger, sandalwood or sweet orange. And voila: your home will smell better than ever! In addition, these little bags can also be used to perfume your closet!

Air freshener

Another trick that can bring a nice autumn scent to your home is to make a DIY air freshener. Therefore, equip yourself with some fruits such as apple or orange and some spices such as cinnamon and cloves. Cut, then, the fruit into pieces and add it to a saucepan containing water and the spices. At this point, bring it all together and add a few rosemary or bay leaves, if you prefer. After that, let it simmer for another 10 minutes, and once the mixture has cooled, strain the liquid and decant it into a spray bottle. Finally, all you have to do is spray the mixture at home and you’re done!


If you want to make a fragrant mixture that will give off a good scent for hours on end, then we recommend making a pot-pourri by pouring an apple, an orange, 3 cinnamon sticks and some cloves into a pot containing water. Of course, we suggest that you slice the apple and orange before pouring them into the pot. After that, bring everything to a boil and let it simmer for another hour or so for the scent to be released into your home, but make sure that the mixture does not burn and add a little water as it evaporates. Finally, all you have to do is pour the ingredients into an airtight jar with water and store in the refrigerator so you can use it whenever you like. As if that weren’t enough, the apple is also a godsend for absorbing odors in the oven!

Cinnamon-scented pinecones

Pinecones are really beautiful to look at and therefore become, in autumn, part of the decor. If you are, therefore, lucky enough to have evergreens in your area, here is how to make use of pinecones to scent your home!

Start, then, by baking them in the oven so that they are clean and dry, after which you decorate them with cinnamon and sprinkle a mixture of water and a few drops of cinnamon essential oil or other autumn essential oils. When the pinecones are scented, place them in a bowl or glass jar and place them where you most prefer. And what a scent!

Pumpkin spice

You may not be all that familiar with it, yet pumpkin spice is well known in America as it is used as an ingredient in pumpkin pie and its scent makes you salivate! To reproduce this smell, all you need to do is boil some spices typical of this season. Start, then, by filling a pot with water and bring it to a boil. After that, add 1 tablespoon of nutmeg, 1 tablespoon of cloves and another of ginger so as to create the pumpkin pie spice yourself. Then also pour in 2 cinnamon sticks and a teaspoon of vanilla extract and, once it comes to a boil, simmer some more for about an hour so that the scent will refresh your home with the scent of spices. Finally, all you have to do is decant the resulting mixture into a spray bottle and voila: you will have an air freshener capable of releasing an intoxicating all-Autumn scent!

Dried fruit garland

Finally, let’s look at one last trick for scenting your home: the DIY garland! So cut the oranges, tangerines and apples (or whatever you have) into rounds, then thread twine through them so they all join together to make a garland. If you prefer, you can also insert bay leaves between each fruit to make the garland even more beautiful. Let it, then, dry for a few days by storing it in a dry and dry environment, after which you can hang it wherever you like. Not only will you have beautified your home, but you will also have brought in a good scent!