Aloe Vera is toxic to cats. This is something you should be aware of because cats are curious animals that sometimes tend to nibble on indoor plants. We explain what you need to pay attention to.

Cats are widely kept as pets and often live comfortably indoors. However, even indoors, there are dangers for these curious animals. The curiosity and boredom of some cats sometimes lead them to nibble on indoor plants. For many plants, this is harmless. For example, cats sometimes eat grass because it stimulates their digestion. Other plants like the Spider Plant, Prayer Plant, or Jade Plant are also safe for cats.

Aloe Vera is a useful plant for humans, offering many uses. For example, the component aloin acts against constipation. However, aloin is anything but beneficial for cats – Aloe Vera can be toxic to them.

The Toxic Effect of Aloe Vera on Cats

Only pure Aloe Vera gel is safe for cats. However, the leaves also contain aloin. Aloin is toxic to cats and can cause severe poisoning. Additionally, cats can injure themselves with the spines of Aloe Vera. If your cat is not deterred by the plant’s spines and nibbles on Aloe Vera, it can ingest the toxic aloin and become poisoned.

There are several symptoms that may indicate aloin poisoning in your cat:

  • Nausea and vomiting may be a frequent symptom of poisoning.
  • Diarrhea, which can be bloody in severe cases, is a sign of aloin poisoning.
  • Often, poisoned cats do not eat because their oral mucous membranes are irritated or injured.
  • Paralysis may sometimes occur.
  • In severe cases, kidney damage may occur.

Since cats ingest the toxic aloin as soon as they nibble on Aloe Vera, this poses a much greater danger to cats than to humans. Only Aloe Vera gel devoid of toxic substances is no longer toxic to cats. You can then use it safely for your cat’s ailments. Humans should also not consume large amounts of aloin as it can lead to adverse effects.

We recommend consulting a veterinarian if the above-mentioned symptoms occur in your cat. If you notice bite marks on your Aloe Vera, it is also advisable to consult a veterinarian with your cat as a precaution.

Therefore, avoid Aloe Vera in your home if you have cats. Although Aloe Vera has many good properties, it can become dangerous for curious cats.

Aloe Vera as a Remedy for Cats

However, Aloe Vera also has beneficial properties for the health of humans and animals. Originating from the arid regions of the Arabian Peninsula, it is adapted to dry climates. It stores water inside its leaves, making them fleshy and thick. Due to its ability to retain moisture, Aloe Vera is often used in the cosmetic industry as a moisturizer in moisturizing creams. Additionally, it contains other good healing ingredients, such as vitamins and salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is an analgesic agent that, in humans and animals, helps treat skin lesions, burns, digestive problems, or insect bites.

However, this only applies to the gel-like substance from Aloe Vera leaves that has been rid of toxic substances! Devoid Aloe Vera gel can be used for various ailments of your cat and is not toxic to it.

  • The moisturizing effect of the gel makes the fur shiny and well-maintained when applied externally.
  • For insect bites and minor skin injuries, Aloe Vera gel acts as an analgesic and refreshing agent, just like for us humans.
  • With this effect, you can also treat gum inflammations with Aloe Vera.
  • You can administer Aloe Vera to your cat as a dietary supplement. The nutrients and vitamins it contains support your cat’s immune system. Aloe Vera aids in digestion when taken internally. Especially during your cat’s shedding period, it promotes hair digestion.