Did you know that there is a magic ingredient that keeps pests away and even eliminates weeds? Let’s find out what the ingredient is and how you can use it to get these benefits!

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to keep pests away from plants, but use a magic ingredient like baking soda, which is also effective against weeds. How to use it? Here’s how to use baking soda and solve these problems with a miraculous and economical ingredient!

Pests and weeds that are enemies of plants

With the arrival of the beautiful season, nature awakens and many begin to grow plants on the balcony, terrace, garden or vegetable patch. The desire to harvest the fruits with their own hands is priceless, however, it is not easy to get a good harvest if the plants are infested with parasites. In fact, it often happens that these tiny animals invade plants and take them by storm. What to do in these cases? The solution is to choose a pesticide that effectively eliminates parasites while not causing plant death.

It is not easy to choose an effective but harmless product for plant health. This is because commercially available products often contain chemicals and are also expensive. For this reason, natural remedies are used and, in this case, there is an ingredient that is cheap and easy to find. What are we talking about? Baking soda, which you definitely have at home and do not even need to buy.

Baking soda is excellent against pests and weeds

You probably never knew this, but baking soda is an effective pesticide. Biodegradable and easy to use, this ingredient is often used to protect plants. In fact, this natural ingredient is able to keep parasites away and is perfect for eliminating various types of insects without being aggressive to plants.

The ingredient acts in a wide spectrum of action and is also used to prevent parasite infestations and to eliminate them when they have already infested the plants. Thanks to its defensive function it keeps away aphids, mites and other parasites without harming the plants.

The effectiveness of baking soda against weeds

Baking soda is also effective in killing weeds, making it a good choice for keeping plants free of various weeds. For example, this works for couch grass or other grasses that grow around the plants and absorb the valuable nutrients they need for lush growth. The advantage of using this natural ingredient is also to save money compared to products on the market, because it is an ingredient that costs very little. Perfect because it allows an absolutely environmentally friendly treatment of plants, is ecological, does not pollute the environment and also increases the salt content of the soil, improving crop results.

How to use baking soda for plants

It does not matter if you already have it at home or need to buy it, baking soda is a very inexpensive ingredient and you do not have to spend a lot to get it.

You can use this ingredient in different ways. However, the most practical and convenient way is undoubtedly to make a solution, put it in a spray bottle and then spray it directly on the plants you want to treat. To make an effective solution, dilute 2 tablespoons of bicarbonate in a quart of water and spray it on the plants to rid them of parasites and weeds.

Be sure to shake the prepared solution well and spray it on the plants. When doing this, try not to aim the spray directly at flowers and fruits. Perform this procedure every 20 days, to carry out a preventive measure over a long period of time and repel new attacks of parasites. The best time for treatment is early morning or after sunset, in the evening.

The effect is guaranteed, and you can treat the plants without spending too much, but with a product that you do not even have to look for because we all keep it in the kitchen.