How to prepare a lingering scent for furniture and fabrics at home!

Cleaning the house without spending an arm and a leg: currently everyone’s goal is saving money. Doing it by recycling, then, is the icing on the cake. The present article shows, with a few simple moves, how you can make a real line of eco-friendly cleaners.

How to prepare a lingering scent for furniture and fabrics at home!

  • For sofas

In a bowl we pour two tablespoons of baking soda. Now usually we would recommend adding a few drops of essential oil, but for this “recipe” we can use a few drops of our favorite perfume. Still these few drops, we mix with a teaspoon and cover the result with food wrap. We continue by poking holes in the foil and then sprinkle this essence on the sofas. We can scent the carpet and rugs with it as well. We need to leave it on for a minimum of half an hour and perhaps, if we can, overnight. The next day we will vacuum them and we can appreciate the difference right away.

  • Cabinets

The mixture we have just prepared can also work great for bringing fresh air inside closets and removing all traces of moisture. As for clothes, there is a very easy “trick.” Just place a clothespin on a hanger after spraying a few drops of perfume on it.

  • For environments

We pour 1 cup of warm water into a glass and dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in it. Then we add a few drops of perfume and pass the whole thing inside a bottle equipped with a sprayer. At this point, all we have to do is spray the mix in our rooms.

  • For floors

Simply pour two tablespoons of baking soda into a bucket of warm water. Then we add a few drops of our favorite perfume and wash our floors with this mix.