Choose the bonsai that suits your needs and environment

Before you even start caring for your bonsai, it’s important to choose the species that best suits your environment and expectations.

 Bonsai fall into two broad categories: Indoor bonsai and outdoor bonsai

Some trees, such as Ficus or Carmona, are particularly well suited to indoor growing, while others, such as Pinus or Japanese Maple, prefer outdoor growing. Therefore, it is important to learn about the requirements of each species and choose the one that best suits your situation.

Provide an ideal location to promote the growth of your bonsai

As with other plants, the location of your bonsai is a critical factor in its growth and thriving. Indoor bonsai generally prefer bright locations where they are not directly exposed to sunlight that could burn them. Also, be sure to protect them from drafts and heat sources such as radiators, as these could dry out the surrounding air and affect their development.

Outdoor bonsai, on the other hand, require an environment suitable for their growth, which varies depending on the species. Some prefer shady places, others prefer full sun. Find out the specifics of your tree and offer it the location that best favors its development.

Water and fertilize your bonsai precisely for harmonious development

Watering and fertilizing are crucial steps in caring for your bonsai. In fact, improper watering can lead to root problems such as rot or desiccation and affect the growth of your tree. Therefore, it is advisable to adjust the frequency and amount of water according to the type of bonsai you have, the season and the size of the pot. Be sure to use high quality water, rather soft and room temperature, so as not to damage the roots.

Fertilization, on the other hand, provides the nutrients necessary for the growth of your bonsai. Opt for a specific fertilizer for bonsai and follow the dosage and recommended frequency, generally once a week or every two weeks during the growing season.

Prune and wire your bonsai to give it a harmonious and aesthetic shape

Pruning and tying are essential techniques to shape your bonsai and give it a harmonious and aesthetic appearance. Pruning helps control the growth of the tree, remove unnecessary or misplaced branches and highlight the desired shapes. It is recommended to prune your bonsai regularly, depending on the tree’s vigor and the time of year.

Use special bonsai shears that allow a clean and precise cut without damaging the branches. Ligation, on the other hand, involves wrapping a copper or aluminum wire around the branches to align them in the desired direction. This technique requires some mastery and patience but allows you to obtain original and artistic shapes. Be careful not to tighten the wire too tightly, so as not to damage the bark, and remove it once the branch has acquired the desired shape.

Obtain and maintain the substrate to ensure healthy root development

Repotting is an important step in caring for your bonsai, as it renews the substrate and ensures healthy root development. Generally, it is recommended to repot the tree every two to five years, depending on its size, age and the speed of its root growth. To do this, choose a pot that fits the size of your bonsai and has a drainage hole to avoid the accumulation of water. Use a special substrate for bonsai, which provides good drainage and provides the nutrients necessary for the growth of the tree. When repotting, be sure to carefully prune the roots to stimulate their development and promote rooting in the new substrate.

Remember to water your bonsai well after repotting to help it adapt to its new environment

Caring for a bonsai is an art that requires patience, care and know-how. By following these tips and tricks, you will master this delicate art and give your miniature tree the best conditions to thrive and reveal all its beauty. Remember that each bonsai is unique and requires special attention, adapted to its peculiarities and environment. Caring for your bonsai is a true source of satisfaction and serenity that will allow you to cultivate harmony and beauty in your interior or garden.