White hair is inevitable and will one day appear in our hair. While for some people it will be in their twenties, for others they will be slow to appear. Graying hair is a sign of aging, and many people try to hide it. However, chemical dyes attack the hair and can accelerate its loss. For this reason, it is advisable to choose natural alternatives to safely tone and camouflage gray hair to make it darker.

It is often said that gray hair is associated with a certain wisdom and maturity. However, white hair is often not accepted by most, especially when it appears at a young age. The reason gray hair occurs is because the hormone melanin, which causes pigmentation, is no longer produced. Heredity can also be a major factor in this phenomenon.

If you want to cover your white hair and make it darker without using chemical dyes, here are a series of natural ingredients that are most common in your kitchen. This way you can say goodbye to that annoying gray that makes you look older.

  1. Black tea

Black tea is rich in caffeine and full of antioxidants. It not only stimulates hair growth and gives it shine, but also helps to give hair a natural dark shade. To enjoy it, boil a cup of water with 2 tablespoons of black tea. Let it cool and then apply it to previously washed hair. Let the hair dry naturally. This procedure must be repeated several times to achieve the desired result. With this remedy, you will benefit from blurring your white hair and making your hair shiny and stronger at the same time.

  1. Henna and coffee

Henna is a natural hair dye and powder. In combination with coffee, its effect multiplies even more. To prepare this remedy, put a tablespoon of coffee in a little boiling water and let it cool. Add this liquid to the henna powder to make a paste. Leave the mixture on for a few hours before applying it to the roots or the entire hair. Leave on for 1 hour before washing the hair with a mild shampoo.

  1. Curry leaf and oil

To prevent gray hair, curry leaves are the best remedy. They are rich in vitamin B and promote melanin production in hair follicles. In addition, its richness in beta-keratin helps fight hair loss. To do this, boil one cup of curry leaves in one cup of oil of your choice until the mixture turns a dark color. Cool before filtering and store in a glass bottle. Massage your scalp with this preparation two to three times a week to get a convincing result.

  1. Amla and methi seeds

Amla is an Indian gooseberry from a plant native to India, Nepal or Sri Lanka. It is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants and has always been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. In powder form, it helps to tone and regenerate the scalp and has the particularity of darkening the hair color.

Methi seeds or fenugreek is an herbaceous plant used as a spice in cooking or as a medicinal plant. It has many benefits and is full of nutrients that strengthen and tone the body. Methi seeds stimulate hair growth and slow hair loss, while moisturizing and strengthening hair from the root.

The combination of these two ingredients therefore allows to cover white hair and promote hair growth. A winning combination every time. To prepare this remedy, mix 6 to 7 pieces of amla with 3 tablespoons of oil of your choice, such as coconut, olive or almond oil, and boil for a few minutes. Add a tablespoon of fenugreek powder. Let cool, then mash and filter. Apply to your scalp for a few hours or overnight. The next day, wash your hair with a mild herbal shampoo.

  1. Almond oil and lemon juice

Due to its vitamin E content, which has incredible benefits for the hair, almond oil helps nourish the hair root and prevent the appearance of gray hair. It is therefore perfect as a means of preventing white hair. Lemon, on the other hand, is a citrus fruit whose juice promotes healthy hair growth. To prepare this remedy, mix two tablespoons of almond oil with 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and massage your scalp with this preparation. Leave it on for 30 minutes before washing your hair.

  1. Onion

Onion increases the enzyme catalase, which helps fight gray hair. Likewise, it stops hair loss and promotes their growth. Combined with lemon juice, it gives hair shine and a beautiful hue. Mix two tablespoons of onion juice with one teaspoon of lemon and one teaspoon of olive oil and massage the scalp with this solution. Leave on for 30 minutes before washing your hair as usual.

  1. Black pepper and lemon

Black pepper helps maintain natural hair color and also promotes hair growth. This makes it possible to avoid chemical dyes and turn gray hair into black. To do this, mix a tablespoon of black pepper and a tablespoon of lemon juice with half a cup of natural yogurt. Massage the scalp with this preparation and leave it for an hour before rinsing. To register a successful effect, this remedy must be applied three times a week.

  1. Hibiscus

Hibiscus is rich in antioxidants and vitamins and contributes to the production of melanin, a pigment that gives hair a natural color. In addition, hibiscus flowers help combat hair problems such as dandruff, dryness or even hair loss. To get the benefits of these flowers, soak them overnight in a cup of water and rinse your hair with this liquid the next day. When used two to three times a week, you will achieve satisfactory results with this remedy.

What tips against gray hair?

In the early thirties, the hair can be covered with white hairs. These occur when melanocytes stop producing melanin. Heredity, hormones or diet play a role in this process. Canities, discoloration of hair and body hair, can be caused by improper nutrition.

Therefore, it is a matter of limiting oxidative stress, which is responsible for the premature aging of the hair and thus the hair. To delay the appearance of gray hair, Madeleine Preston of Cosmopolitan magazine recommends a cocktail of omega-3 and copper. The latter promotes pigmentation of the hair fiber. Therefore, it is advisable to consume liver, cocoa, shrimp, brewer’s yeast and almonds. Just as the hair needs proteins such as eggs or fish, as well as essential fatty acids and vitamins D, B12, zinc and calcium.

In addition, it is advisable to protect the hair from sun exposure and chronic stress. The latter can reduce melanin production in the scalp and shorten hair growth cycles.