The rooms in our home do not always turn out to be fragrant, as bad smells are always around the corner! The reasons why this happens can be traced to a lack of air circulation, the release of vapors during cooking, etc. Whatever the reason, however, today you will see a trick that all it takes is an orange to make every room in the house smell good! Therefore, let’s see together how to do it!

Natural orange perfumer

First of all, let’s start by making an orange perfumer that can bring a fresh smell into the house and remove the stench we often smell. Preparing it is very simple, as all you will need is:

  • Half a quart of water
  • One orange

Make, then, the orange juice, after which put the water in a saucepan with the peels and bring it to a boil. We recommend straining the juice so that all the seeds are removed. Once the boiling point is reached, add the orange juice you have previously obtained and pour it into the saucepan. At this point, let the mixture cool in the pot, after which decant it into a spray bottle. And voila: your perfumer is ready for use! All you have to do is spray the mixture into rooms or onto surfaces, and that’s it: an orange scent will invest your home!

N.B. Remember not to spread it on marble and natural stone objects or countertops.

On the table

Another way to scent your home by serving only oranges is to make a scented centerpiece. Pour, then, half a quart of water into a saucepan and add, then, the peels of an orange inside it. At this point, bring the water to a boil and turn off the heat. Finally, all you have to do is pour the resulting mixture into a glass container, put a few stones in the bottom and place it, then, on the table. To make it a more ornamental centerpiece, you can embellish it to your liking, giving free rein to your imagination! Alternatively, you can also place the jar in the corners of rooms that have bad odors!

On radiators

With the arrival of winter, we all use to resort to radiators to bring warmth into the house. But did you know that it is possible to take advantage of these radiators to scent the entire house? All you will have to do is cut the peels of an orange and place them on the heater as if you were going to dry them out-a fresh scent will spread throughout the house! Of course, remember to replace the peels from time to time when they have become too dry and no longer smell good.

In the closet

It is not only in the house, however, that it is easy to find unpleasant odors, but also in the closets, where we often find the stench of closed that, if not removed, could be transferred to our clothes. Even in this case, however, oranges can come to our rescue! Scoop out the peels of the oranges, taking care to carefully remove the white attached to the peels, after which let them dry to prevent them from forming mold. At this point, place the peels in the breathable bags and place them in the corners of the closets that have the closed smell.

In the shoe rack

Unfortunately, shoes absorb sweat and accumulate moisture, so they tend to produce bad odors that are, then, transferred to the shoe rack as well. In fact, how many times have you happened to open it and be hit by an unbearable stench? Place, then, orange peels inside your shoes and leave them outside on the balcony in the fresh air overnight, so that they begin to absorb the stench from your footwear first. After that, add the orange peels to some bags and place them between the shelves: goodbye bad odors in the shoe rack!


Please remember not to use any of these methods in case you are allergic or hypersensitive to oranges and the odors they give off. Also, remember not to use any of the remedies on marble or natural stone.