Ever heard of Oosouji? It’s a Japanese cleaning method. Not only does it leave your home chrome nickel… But it also helps you to be happier! That’s the whole Oosouji concept. This ancient Japanese tradition, known since the 17th century, is a way of cleaning up your home and your mind! Here’s how it works.

What is Oosouji?

This word is made up of “oo” meaning “big” and “souji” meaning “clean”. See what I mean? Oosouji is the equivalent of spring-cleaning at home… But with an added spiritual dimension! This tradition usually takes place at the end of the year. But it can be done at any time, especially when the seasons change. Mind you, this is serious business. Because the aim is not only to have a super-clean house, but also to get rid of everything that’s cluttering up our lives, both physically and psychologically. It’s a symbolic way of cutting ties with the past. We turn our backs on the past and look to the future. What a program! Put simply, it’s like a purification ritual. Needless to say, you can’t improvise an Oosouji! It requires careful preparation.

How do you prepare for an Oosouji?

– First of all, you need to plan this household task into your schedule. After all, it’s out of the question to stop in the middle. It’s imperative to see your Oosouji through to the end. It may take 1 day or several, depending on the scale of the task.

– After that, the whole household must participate. So, it’s a group effort. – Above all, no distractions are allowed. So, it’s important to turn off all telephones and other electronic devices. No social networking… Nothing. You need to switch off to concentrate on your chores.

– Finally, you need to prepare all the equipment you’ll need for the big clean: brooms, mops, rags, cleaning products… But also garbage can bags, cardboard boxes and storage boxes. – And don’t forget to air all the rooms, because it’s important to keep the air circulating.

Are you ready? Now you can make your Oosouji by following these 5 steps. The 5 steps to Oosouji There’s a certain logic to this tradition. Here’s how to make your Oosouji:

  1. Always start by cleaning the entrance to each room, working clockwise. The aim is to finish where you started, to complete the cycle.
  2. Always clean from top to bottom. This means you start by cleaning the upper floors (including the attic) and work your way down. In each room, you start by cleaning the ceiling, then the walls, the furniture, the floor and so on. Always from top to bottom!
  3. Clean and remove all stains from furniture and objects. They’re a negative reminder of the past.
  4. Tidy your cupboards and drawers. Everything has its place.
  5. This means sorting through your belongings. So put a cardboard box in each room and sort through your clothes and objects. When you’ve finished, donate them to a charity. In a 2nd box, put items to be thrown away. Don’t leave this box lying around in the clean room! Remove it immediately. It’s important to know how to let go of objects that have become useless. But in this Japanese tradition, we’re also grateful to them. Because these things have made our lives easier at some point. It’s a way of thanking the past and looking forward to the future.

The result: a dust-free home. And voilà, your home has never been so clean. As you can see, Oosouji isn’t just a super-efficient way of doing some much-needed housework. It’s a more minimalist way of living. By performing this ritual, we turn the page on the past. And we open a new blank page, that of the future. Traditionally, the Japanese also take this opportunity to settle their debts. Because debts are seen as something negative.