Pasta cooking water is full of unsuspected virtues. But most of the time, when we drain it, we throw it straight down the drain. And that’s a shame! Especially when you can use it in the garden. Plants love the nutrients it contains. Paul, my local gardener and horticulturist, taught me this trick. And not only is it good for the garden, it’s also good for the wallet! Because it’s totally free. So, here are the 4 uses of pasta cooking water for plants.

  1. Pasta cooking water is rich in minerals

During cooking, pasta releases minerals into the water. Among them: calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and potassium. A real concentrate of goodness! And plants love them to grow and flourish. But guess what the best part is. Well, it’s that this water is 100% free and 100% organic fertilizer. So, from now on, I advise you to use unsalted pasta cooking water. Once it’s completely cooled, dilute it with water (50/50) in the watering can. Then water your plants with it about once a month.

  1. It also contains vitamins

If minerals diffuse into water as it cooks, so do vitamins. And wheat pasta contains B vitamins. They are water-soluble. In other words, they dissolve easily in water. This type of vitamin is essential for plant growth. Why is this so? Because it is involved in cell production and regeneration. In simple terms, it’s a good stimulator of growth and flowering (or fruiting). However, this solution is no substitute for a real, rich fertilizer, applied twice a year.

  1. It makes the leaves shine

Here’s a great tip for indoor green plants. We love it when their leaves shine. But personally, I refuse to coat leaves with commercial products. Why is that? Because their composition isn’t very clean… And because they cost an arm and a leg! So, I prefer natural solutions. And among them, unsalted, diluted pasta cooking water. I dilute it (50% unsalted pasta cooking water, 50% tap water) in a spray bottle. Then, I spray on the green plants before wiping each leaf with a cloth. It’s a bit time-consuming, I grant you. But it’s natural and inexpensive. You can clean foliage this way about 2-3 times a year.

  1. Salted pasta water serves as a weedkiller

Have you salted your pasta cooking water? No need to worry. Because even salt water has a function in the vegetable garden. It’s a natural weedkiller. Just pour this pure, still-warm water over the weeds in your garden. I advise you to choose a very sunny day to apply this solution. Why should you? Because it activates the results of the weedkiller. Hot water + starch + salt destroy weeds in the garden or between driveway slabs. Apply at least 3 times in succession, at intervals of 4 or 5 days, for perfect results.

Why shouldn’t I water my flowers with salted pasta water?

First of all, as you’ve already understood, pure salt water is used as a weedkiller. It is therefore dangerous for your plants. But even diluted, salt water is not recommended for frequent watering. It accelerates dehydration of the soil… and therefore of the plant, which has nothing left to drink.