When the sink is clogged, you can resort to this very simple and quick solution used by plumbers.

When the sink is clogged, it’s always a big problem because not only are we prevented from using it properly, but we also have to deal with bad odors that spread throughout the kitchen (and beyond). A drain blockage is therefore a situation that must be resolved as soon as possible, perhaps by using some drain cleaning products that can be easily found in specialty stores and supermarkets. However, before focusing on chemical products, it is better to try to resort to more natural solutions, perhaps taking advantage of the enormous potential of some foods that we all have at home.

The clogged sink can be freed with the plumber’s trick: it only takes a few minutes

To give just one example: Many people do not know that a clogged sink can also be cleaned with a good handful of salt. In fact, this ingredient is ideal to corrode all the deposits in the drain that prevent the proper flow of water.

Next, we pour a few teaspoons of salt into the clogged drain and add some dishwashing detergent, which will help clear the drain of debris. Now all you have to do is pour a nice cup of boiling water down the drain to clear the clogged sink immediately.

This method is really exceptional for those who have new pipes, while for those who have a sink with old pipes, it is better to refrain from adding salt to avoid the risk of irreparable damage. In addition to clogged sinks, salt also helps with many other problems in the home.

For example, with salt it is possible to make the bad smell from a wooden cutting board disappear. Simply put a few spoonfuls of salt on the cutting board, spread it carefully over the entire surface and then rub it with a soft, clean sponge to remove the unpleasant smell.

To make this remedy even more effective, you can rub a few lemon slices on the cutting board and maybe squeeze some juice of the same citrus fruit on it. The last step is rinsing with warm water: the odors will disappear as if by magic.

All situations in which salt is useful

Salt, as mentioned, can also be used for other purposes. In this method, a few tablespoons of salt are placed in a pan and fried for a few minutes.

Why this step? Many people do not know, but with this technique we can eliminate all bad odors that can still penetrate the pan even after thorough washing. When we take the pan off the stove, we clean it from the salt, and we will notice that the smell is much more noticeable. Finally, salt can also be used to treat sore throats. We put a few tablespoons of salt (possibly sea salt, but regular salt is also fine) in a container and add a glass of water. Mix everything until the salt is completely dissolved.