The refrigerator is a very moisture-producing environment, often responsible for the growth of mold that spoils fruits and vegetables. But who would have thought that a simple dish towel could solve this common problem? Check out this brilliant hack that will change your life and reduce waste. Something to save some money! When we store our food in the fridge, it’s just so it stays in good condition longer. The catch: too much humidity can cause them to spoil. The latter causes the rapid growth of mold, bad odors and bacteria that decompose your fruits and vegetables. Therefore, we will offer you solutions to better protect them.

Why put a tea towel in the refrigerator?

As you know, it is important to eat a variety of good fruits and vegetables every day to stay healthy. Unfortunately, if we don’t take certain precautions, these foods have a short shelf life. So how do you avoid waste? Dish towels, rags, napkins. These are valuable allies at home. We use them regularly to wipe different surfaces and a variety of items. But there is another very clever use that few people know about. Why would it be interesting to put a dish towel in the refrigerator? Because its fabric is very absorbent and therefore can absorb excess moisture that could damage your fruits and vegetables. In this way you can preserve the freshness of food longer.

How to do ? Simply take new dish towels or rags (clean, of course!) and place them on the shelves of your refrigerator. Then put on them your most delicate foods that tend to spoil faster, like cold cuts, cheese, fruits and vegetables. And voila: The dish towel will soak up excess moisture, sparing all your food from mold and bacteria.

Other ways to reduce humidity in the refrigerator

Have you thought about putting an adsorption dehumidifier in the refrigerator? It is also very useful to absorb moisture, neutralize unwanted odors and eliminate ethylene (a gas that accelerates ripening) accumulated in fruits and vegetables.

Another sensible option: try to reduce the opening and closing of the refrigerator door as much as possible. In this way, you will ensure the proper moisture balance inside the unit. After all, if this door is opened too often or not closed properly, the hot air that enters will cause a condensation phenomenon, which will then turn into humidity or frost.

If you want to try a natural remedy, then you can count on the benefits of baking soda. This white powder has the ability to reduce moisture and eliminate bad odors. Just pour it into a bowl that you place in the refrigerator. Don’t forget to empty and refill it once a month.