Here we explain how you can make your plants bloom by adding just a teaspoon of this ingredient. You all have this ingredient at home, but you always use it as an ingredient in cooking. Today you can use it to make your plants bloom.

How to make plants bloom in winter

Even though winter is considered a dormant season for plants, there are some species that manage to bloom even in this season. If you want to see your plants bloom even in winter, here are some tips on how to do so:

  • Choose the right species: not all plants can bloom in winter, so it is important to choose those that are best suited for this season. Begonias, fuchsias, irises and violets, for example, are all species that manage to bloom even in the coldest months.
  • Keep the plant warm: In order for the plants to bloom in winter, it is important that they are kept in a warm environment. Therefore, do not place them near windows or doors, as the cold could damage them. In addition, it is advisable to use heated saucers to prevent the cold of the soil from preventing the growth of the roots and the absorption of the necessary nutrients.
  • Adequate lighting: In winter, the days are shorter and the sunlight is less intense. Therefore, for plants to bloom, it is important that they receive adequate light. If it is not possible to place the plants in a very bright place, it is advisable to use plant lamps or spotlights to increase the amount of light.
  • Adequate nutrition: plants need less water and fertilizer in winter than in other seasons. However, it is important that they still receive the nutrients they need to grow and thrive. Use specific fertilizers for flowering plants then, and follow the instructions on the package regarding the dosages to use.

It is possible to get plants to bloom in the winter, just choose the right species, keep them warm, provide adequate lighting and nutrients. If you follow these tips, you can enjoy the beautiful flowers of your plants even in the coldest months of the year.

Just add a teaspoon

If you want to get your plants blooming like never before, there’s a little trick that could make all the difference: Add a teaspoon of dried garlic to the roots. Garlic is a plant with numerous beneficial properties, both for humans and for other plants. In fact, it contains allicin, a natural compound with powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties. In addition, garlic is rich in nutrients such as iron, calcium, phosphorus and selenium, which can help plants become stronger and more resistant.

To add garlic to your plants, you must first chop it finely. Then take a teaspoon of chopped garlic and mix it with some moist soil to get a soft and easy to work with mixture. Finally, take the mixture and add it to the roots of your plant, being careful not to damage them.

Garlic is especially good for plants that suffer from parasitic or fungal diseases, as it helps to counteract these problems and protect the plant. However, it is important not to overdo the doses, as an excess of garlic could stress the plant and prevent optimal growth. Garlic is a natural ingredient with numerous beneficial properties for plants. Adding a teaspoon of dried garlic to the roots can help your plants become stronger and more resilient, allowing them to bloom like never before. But remember not to overdo it with the doses, as an excess of garlic could do more harm than good.