Putting a coconut in the oven, what happens if you try: the chefs’ tip…

Have you ever tried putting a coconut on fire? Here is a tip that will surprise you and that you will certainly do yourself.

Coconut is a fruit of tropical origin, which has become very widespread in our countries in recent years. We eat it like a fruit in summer, we use it in the form of flour and we enjoy excellent preparations like ice cream. There are many culinary and cosmetic applications for which coconut is suitable. Here’s what happens when you try to put the coconut on fire.
How to use coconut

Coconut milk or water, coconut flour, dried, in pieces or in the form of body serums. Coconut has so many possible uses. Did you know, for example, that from a simple coconut you can obtain a natural sweetener which is a panacea for our body? The process takes time, you actually have to process the coconut, mix it and extract the juice, but the cooks’ tip is an excellent method for obtaining a do-it-yourself elixir. Let’s see how to do it step by step.

Putting a coconut in the oven, what happens if you try: the chefs’ tip

Whether for cooking or not, opening a coconut is definitely not the easiest thing in the world. But with proper precautions, it is possible to process coconut in a very simple way. First of all, the choice of fruit is crucial. If you buy a coconut, shake it and make sure you can smell the liquid inside. If you don’t want it, leave it where it is and don’t buy it.

Once you have chosen the right coconut, take it so that the part with the three holes is facing up and make a hole with a sharp knife, as if you want to enlarge it. This makes it easier to drain the liquid that we need to keep. Then turn the coconut over in a bowl to catch the water that comes out and set it aside.

The coconut on the fire, that’s what it’s for

Once the coconut has been drained of water, you can prepare to put it on the heat. Be careful with this process, as coconut is fibrous and the material covering it burns quickly, but only lasts a short time. To turn it, use long pliers so as not to burn yourself.

As soon as the coconut is nicely colored, but not burnt all over, remove it from the heat and let it cool a little. Next, get a hammer or rolling pin to tap the coconut. This way you can peel it in no time and divide it into several pieces at the same time.

Now soak the coconut to make it softer, work it with your hands and cut it into small pieces. Transfer everything to a blender and add the water that remained during the “wash”, then puree all the coconut until you have a smooth mixture. Transfer the coconut to a container using a strainer and collect the milk, making sure to squeeze the solid parts of the coconut to extract them better. What remains of the solid part can be used in different ways, for example for body care.

Return to the milk, let it sit covered with foil and put it in the freezer for up to 2 or 3 hours. You will find the coconut milk separated into two parts. You must use the solid part by placing it in a previously heated non-stick pan. Let the solid block melt until it is reduced to a golden, sticky consistency. You will notice that there is still some liquid that we will need. Separate the solid part from the liquid again using the sieve. The whey you have just extracted is an excellent natural sweetener with which you can sweeten any drink.