
In summer it is very common to come home thirsty, open the refrigerator to drink cold water and find that it has not cooled down enough. We usually blame the refrigerator, but in most cases, it was our fault for overcharging it, continually opening the door, or not adjusting the temperature properly. It is important to know what the ideal refrigerator temperature is in summer, what we can do to maintain it, and how to store and cool food perfectly.

Refrigerator, this is the correct temperature to keep in summer. Save a lot of money on groceries!

First of all, you should know that the temperature of the refrigerator varies depending on the time of year because, with the arrival of summer, the heat intensifies and this implies the need to keep more things cold and cool, as well as the need to open the refrigerator more constantly.

In this way, when the hot weather arrives, it will be necessary to adjust the refrigerator thermostat and try to keep the temperature between 32 and 41ºF, to ensure proper preservation of food and thus slow the proliferation of bacteria. The food will keep longer, not having to throw it away earlier, and you will save money.

If your refrigerator does not have a temperature indicator, you can consult the owner’s manual to find out how to adjust your refrigerator. That is, you need to know what temperature corresponds to each of the levels to program your refrigerator, usually there is a dial or knob with numbers.

Organize your refrigerator, here’s how to place food properly in the shelves. That way it lasts you longer!

On the other hand, it should be pointed out that it will not be enough to program your refrigerator to a certain temperature to keep it at that temperature. You should also pay attention to what you put inside so as not to overload it. In fact, organizing the refrigerator properly will also be crucial, especially in summer. In other words, we will have to place food in the most appropriate places.

Top and middle shelves: cold area. Arrange foods that “once opened, must be kept cold.”

  • Pre-cooked dishes, convenience foods
  • Dairy products and sausages

Bottom shelf (above the bottom drawer): coldest area. Place the most perishable foods here.

  • Raw meat and raw fish
  • Foods to be thawed. Even if they are placed in containers that collect thawing water, this prevents contamination of food on the lower shelves.

Bottom drawer: least cold area.

  • Fruits and vegetables: excessive cold can spoil them.

Refrigerator door: less cold area, for foods that do not need such low and stable temperatures.

  • Beverages, non-homemade table sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard…).

Side compartment: less cold area

  • Eggs

Similarly, we should try not to open the refrigerator too many times and make sure the door is tightly closed. Misuse or minor negligence can spoil food or prevent it from cooling as it should.

Clean the refrigerator, with this 0-cost ingredient you will disinfect it from top to bottom

On the other hand, cleaning the refrigerator will also be crucial to its proper functioning. In addition to keeping it clean on a daily basis, the refrigerator must be thoroughly cleaned at certain intervals to prevent the growth of bacteria. An excellent remedy for cleaning the refrigerator without the use of harsh chemicals is baking soda. In this case, to clean this appliance thoroughly, you need to empty the refrigerator and use a mixture of water and baking soda. After cleaning each shelf and the fruit drawer, you need to rinse with water and place the food inside again.

Bad odors in the refrigerator? Just put this food and you will have solved it!

The proliferation of bad odors inside the refrigerator is also common in summer, so you need to be aware of the origin and find methods to combat these odors. A good remedy for eliminating these bad odors is to put a slice of lemon, a potato or coffee in a bowl in the refrigerator.