Among the elements of the washing machine that get dirty the fastest, we cannot help but mention the washing machine drawer! This is particularly prone to limescale and mold because of the passage of water, but especially because of all the detergent residues that accumulate there. The corners in particular are the ones affected the most and especially the most difficult to clean, but today you will see with me some natural remedies to clean them thoroughly and make the drawer like new again!

  • Baking soda

The first remedy I cannot help but recommend is baking soda! This is the ideal ingredient when you need to get rid of mold encrusted in delicate areas such as the washing machine drawer. To use it, all you have to do is prepare a thick paste with baking soda and plain water, the mixture should resemble the consistency of a gel. Now put the resulting paste on a toothbrush and scrub very gently on the areas to be treated, then leave for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

  • Vinegar

In addition to baking soda, vinegar is also perfect for sending away stubborn dirt from the corners of the dresser! In fact, it is no accident that it is also chosen in the shower for all areas that have both lime scale and mold, so we can choose it with our eyes closed! My advice is to moisten some small pieces of sponge (if you don’t have them, a microfiber cloth will do) with vinegar, then place them in the corners of the vanity drawer making a very light pressure. Wait about 20 minutes so the vinegar can act and dissolve the dirt, then remove everything by rubbing gently and rinse…it will be as good as new!

  • Hydrogen peroxide

Oxygenated water could not be missing from the roll call of our remedies for cleaning the washing machine drawer! Again, we are talking about a product whose performance is often underestimated and instead can surprise you!

N.B. You will have to use 3% hydrogen peroxide, that is, the 10-volume one.

So, pour some of the product onto a wad of absorbent cotton and place it in the corners of the drawer, always exerting a little pressure to get the product out. Wait at least 20 minutes, then remove the absorbent cotton and wipe with a sponge to remove the dirt residue, and finally rinse.

  • Citric acid

Citric acid is a perfect household item for many different chores and is great when used in the washing machine! To make the best use of it, I recommend you choose it for the corners of the small drawer, let’s see how to do it now! You will simply need to dissolve 1/3 lb of the product in 1 quart of water, then pour everything into a steamer and spray on the corners. Rub with a sponge and, if the dirt does not come off instantly, leave it for a few minutes. Now all you have to do is degrease again with the sponge and rinse with warm water, and your drawer will be super clean!

  • Yellow soap

Our Grandmothers loved to use it in the washing machine, and to this day it is great in so many other places in the house as well! Yellow soap is also great for saying goodbye to limescale and mold from the corners of the shower tray, let’s see how you can use it! All you’ll need to do is spread a small piece of product on a soft-bristled toothbrush and scrub in the corners. Always let it work for a while, then rinse carefully because you risk leaving the coconut oil of which the soap is made.

  • Lemon juice

We conclude our tricks with a remedy that is not only effective but also smells great, lemon juice! Many people love it and prefer it not only in the kitchen, but throughout the house. What you will need to do is to put lemon juice on a microfiber cloth and rub it on all the affected corners. Leave the product like this for 10 minutes, then go and rinse with a sponge so as to remove the last remnants of dirt.


I remind you to try the remedies first in non-visible corners so as not to risk staining or damaging the corners