How to Make your Bed Warmer in Winter

Winter is here, temperatures start to drop more and more, and we start to face the days and nights of intense cold. Among the most annoying things we can experience in winter is falling asleep in a cold bed. To warm up a cold bed, there are some tips and some quick methods that can help you experience the wonderful feeling of warmth and relaxation once you are under the covers.

How to warm up your bed quickly in winter with some home remedies!

Sock full of salt

The first method is the sock full of salt! This is an ancient trick of our grandmothers that many still use today. This remedy also helps to warm the hands and feet and relieve the feeling of cold. Its preparation is very simple!  Just take a handful of coarse salt and heat it in a pan.  When the salt reaches the desired temperature, take a spoon and gradually pour it into the sock, being careful not to burn yourself. Tie a knot in the sock to close it, and voila, your sock is ready! Of course, one sock is not enough to warm the whole bed, but you can make as many as you like and place them in specific places on the bed, such as where you put your feet or pillow.

Hot water bottle

Another simple and very effective remedy that is used a lot today is the hot water bottle! If you do not have one, you can make your own with plastic bottles. This method is accessible to everyone, you will need one or more plastic bottles and hot water. Heat the amount of water needed to fill the bottles in a pot or fill it directly from the tap. When the water reaches the desired temperature, turn off the heat and pour the water into the bottles. Remember to use heat-resistant plastic, otherwise the bottle may melt. Put the bottle on the bed and you’re done! You can prepare several and place them on the mattress in the places you want to warm up.

Hair dryer

This trick is very fast, and everyone likes it because it allows you to sleep warm! The hair dryer method, as you can imagine, is enough to uncover the bed before sleeping and run it on the sheets to warm them up. After you warm them up, turn off the hair dryer and lie on the bed. What a wonderful feeling!