You’re already living frugally, but you’re still wondering: What else can I change to have more money left over at the end of the month? We have collected a few ideas. The most important at a glance

  • Energy
  • Heating
  • Water
  • Food

If anyone knows how to live frugally, it’s grandparents or the 70-plus generation. Their knowledge is now more valuable than ever, and not just because of rapidly rising inflation. The habits they have handed down are also good for the environment. For this reason, we have rummaged through the wealth of experience of senior citizens to find out the best savings tips for everyday life.


  • Cooking in advance

If you cook larger portions, you use less electricity and water. That’s because the stove or oven is only turned on once and the kitchen utensils only have to be washed once.

  • Forgotten cooking utensils

The pressure cooker, also called pressure cooker, has been forgotten by many. Yet it is ideal for amateur cooks who want to save energy. It reduces the cooking time from 30 to ten minutes.

  • Cooking while you sleep

The good down blanket can also reduce energy consumption when cooking. The food is pre-cooked in a pot. This is then wrapped in a large bath towel or tea towel while it is still hot and then placed in bed under the down comforter. The down feathers insulate the heat so that the contents of the pot continue to cook gently. If you don’t have a down comforter, you can either use your regular comforter or a cooking box.

  • Pre-cooking

If noodles and rice. are heated together with the water and not added to the boiling water first, this can save energy. It can be just as useful to heat the cooking water in the kettle rather than in the pot.

  • Steam cooking

Eggs, potatoes or vegetables do not need to be completely covered with water when cooking. Often, a level of one to two inches in the pot is sufficient. The contents are then gently cooked with steam. The important thing here is that the lid seals the pot tightly.

  • Share space

Usually there is a delicious piece of cake as dessert after the Sunday roast. This can be placed in the oven at the same time as the meat. This extends the cooking time of both dishes minimally, but it also saves a lot of energy.


  • Old clothing insulation

Old clothes and blankets should not be disposed of. They can be turned into draught-stoppers for windows and doors in winter. Instead of turning up the heat, wear more. Sweaters and socks made of wool or other natural fibers are ideal. They are considered particularly warming. And at night, too, it’s better to reach for a thick down comforter and flannel pajamas than to turn on the heating.

  • Dressing rooms

Grandparents’ homes are often lavishly furnished: both thick and thin curtains on the curtain rod and large rugs on the carpeted floor. The lushness in terms of home textiles has a purpose: opaque, heavy curtains shield the cold from the window pane. The double floor covering prevents coldness of feet.


  • Four-quart washdown

Dishes used to be washed by hand, even when dishwashers had long been established in America households. Many women resorted to the washing-up bowl. Its capacity is much smaller than that of the sink. This saves not only hot water, but also detergent. With a little force, a dishwashing brush or sponge, everything then became sparkling clean, despite everything.

  • Ten-quart shower

And just as with the washing up, one also proceeded with the body hygiene. For the daily cleaning ritual, a washcloth was sufficient, which was wetted in a wash bowl and then cleaned. The remaining water could then be used as flushing water for the toilet. Those who wanted to save money while showering also stood in a wash bowl to collect the wastewater. This could then be reused for flushing the toilet.

  • The hidden brick

Old cisterns are often not equipped with a water-saving button. To prevent twelve or more liters from simply ending up in the drain when you go to the toilet, simply place a brick or a filled water bottle in the cistern. This reduces the capacity of the cistern and thus the amount that flows down the drain when the flush button is pressed.


  • Look at the cent

In the supermarket, the price per pound should always be inspected when buying food. In addition, it is worth comparing the list of ingredients. Because some processed foods seem cheaper at first glance, but also contain cheaper ingredients – especially more water and sugar.

  • Regional food

Savoy cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower and many other vegetables are typically American. They are usually grown directly in the region and therefore do not have to be imported at high cost. In addition, they are much cheaper than exotic superfoods – and at least as healthy and versatile in use. If you also preserve seasonal and regional fruits and vegetables (freeze, boil down, ferment), you can stock up on them at low cost and save money.

  • Down to the last drop

It is always worth cutting open tubes and scraping out jars or plastic packaging down to the last drop. If the contents in the packages are difficult to reach, it helps to either heat them or fill them with a suitable liquid. In the case of a chocolate spread, for example, you can put in some warm milk. Then shake it a bit and you have a delicious chocolate drink. For pesto, simply add some oil, tomato juice or hot water. Also shake and then pour over pasta or into pasta sauce.

  • Everything is eaten up

The hunger is satisfied, and food is left? Then put it in the freshness box. Leftovers can be eaten the following day or frozen. If something is left over when you go to a restaurant, it’s the same thing: take it home, freeze it or enjoy it the next day.