Sleeping in socks during the cold season is far more beneficial than expected. Not only does it help fight off colds, but also chapped feet. But sometimes, socks in bed can be unhealthy.

The question is probably as old as the wrap-around foot cover itself (that’s around 1,500 years): Is it better to sleep with or without socks? While some people’s hair stands on end at the mere thought of wearing socks to bed, others can’t even imagine an autumn or winter night without these fluffy companions. Find out here why it’s (usually) not such a bad idea to go to bed in socks.

How (un)healthy are socks in bed?

If, until now, you’ve refused to wear socks to bed for mainly aesthetic reasons, you’ll be surprised by the many positive effects they have on your health. In some cases, however, caution is called for.

Benefits of socks in bed:

1. fighting colds with socks in bed

Cold feet don’t automatically cause colds – that’s the fault of cold viruses. However, when your feet are cold, the respiratory tract is less well irrigated, making it more vulnerable to cold viruses. Wrapping your feet warmly in bed (and elsewhere) in autumn and winter can therefore effectively prevent colds.

  • Socks as a home remedy for colds

Even if you’ve already got a cold, socks in bed can help. Warmth helps the body to recover.

  • Onion socks

If you have a cold, you can also take advantage of onions’ antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This can be done either by cutting the onion in half and placing both halves under the soles of the feet in the socks, or by slicing or chopping the onion so that more of the onion juice reaches the skin. To keep your feet warm, you can put an extra sock on top.

2. you sleep better wearing socks

On the one hand, socks help when your feet are cold. After all, being cold is simply an unpleasant sensation that interferes with falling asleep. But there’s yet another reason why socks help you fall asleep: when feet are warm, their blood vessels dilate, releasing more heat and lowering the body’s core temperature – the signal for the body to slow down. According to some studies, socks not only help you fall asleep faster, they also help you sleep longer. However, it’s important to wear the right socks. They should not cut and should be made of breathable material.

3. You can take care of your feet by wearing socks to bed

If you suffer from dry, cracked feet in winter, you need to coat them well with cream. With socks on, the cream works particularly well overnight.

Disadvantages of socks in bed:

1. Socks in bed can lead to smelly feet

If you tend to have sweaty feet, or if it’s too hot in bed, socks in bed naturally increase the risk of smelly feet.

2. The risk of athlete’s foot can increase.

When feet sweat through socks, not only is the smell unpleasant, but the risk of foot fungus also increases.

Finally, an important thought: while finding socks sexy in bed is a matter of taste, there’s evidence that women reach orgasm more easily when they have warm feet or are wearing socks. This is probably because their bodies are better irrigated. What’s more, the sensation of warmth gives them a sense of security, making it easier for them to let go.