Soap: Transform your plants with this unexpected secret! Find out why everyone is adopting it!…

Plants are not immune to pest attacks. Some pests can invade your garden and your vegetable plants or even your houseplants.

Aphids, spider mites, thrips and even mealybugs can cause significant damage to your plants. These parasitic insects suck plant juices and thus weaken the plants.

However, you can get rid of these harmful pests by using soap. We tell you more in this article.

To protect your plants from unwanted insects, you do not need to resort to chemical pesticides. Soap is known for its insecticidal and antibacterial properties.

Why is soap useful for plants?

Soap is an effective insecticide to fight against parasites that destroy your plants, provided you choose a natural and biodegradable soap, such as Marseille soap, black soap or even Castile soap.

  • Marseille soap to fight parasites

Marseille soap is very effective in removing stubborn stains and maintaining the house and laundry, and also has a positive effect on your plants.

To prepare your natural insecticide, rub your bar of soap to obtain shavings which you will dilute. For one liter of water you need approximately 150 g of soap shavings.

In a saucepan, mix the chips with water and bring the mixture to a boil. Stir to dissolve the shavings, then add your insecticide to a spray bottle. Then spray the affected leaves.

If you have liquid Marseille soap, dilute 3 tablespoons in a liter of water and pour the solution into a spray bottle.

For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to add 10 drops of neem oil to your insecticide. This oil from India is effective in fighting insects, but also their larvae and eggs. Additionally, this natural fungicide is also effective in preventing fungal diseases.

  • Black soap to fight harmful insects

Black soap is a natural and biodegradable soap made from natural fatty acids such as linseed oil or olive oil. Black soap has various uses.

It is used for personal hygiene, home maintenance, but also to protect plants from parasitic insects. To make your natural insecticide, dilute 5 tablespoons of liquid black soap in a container with a liter of lukewarm water.

Transfer your product to a spray for easier application. Wait for your insecticide to cool then spray it on the leaves of affected plants, remembering to also spray on the underside of the leaves.

Please note that it is not recommended to spray your solution in the sun during the day. Wait until the end of the day when temperatures drop or spray your solution early in the morning.

  • Castile soap to eliminate insects

Castile soap is a natural biodegradable soap that is very effective in fighting aphids, mites, thrips and mealybugs.

This antifungal soap is also effective in treating certain fungal diseases such as: B. Mildew. To make an organic insecticide, dilute two teaspoons of baking soda, a large spoonful of Castile soap in two liters of water and add two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly and spray your insecticide onto the plant’s foliage.

Note that in addition to these natural soaps with insecticidal properties, you can also use nettle manure, coffee grounds or even a garlic decoction to drive away small predatory insects that harm the proper growth of your plants.