While it thoroughly cleans plates and cutlery, it is not free of dirt or bad odors. It also requires regular maintenance so that its cleaning power does not diminish. You have noticed for some time that it gives off a very unpleasant odor? Don’t worry, a few simple and natural solutions will quickly solve this annoying problem. You don’t have to resort to chemical remedies or spend too much, you surely already have everything you need in stock. Here’s how to clean and freshen your dishwasher.

Why does my dishwasher smell bad?

The most common cause of a bad smell in the dishwasher is food residues deposited in the filter of the appliance, but also in the door or rubber. Therefore, to avoid malfunction and prevent the proliferation of bacteria, it is essential to clean it more often. Other reasons can cause that foul smell in your dishwasher. The most common ones are:

  • Food residues in the bottom of the dishwasher. In this case, these remnants must be removed with paper towels.
  • Clogged drain: in order for the dirty water to drain freely, be sure to unclog the pipe if it is clogged.
  • Moisture and mold: these are two scourges that are accompanied by bacteria and automatically cause bad odors. The best solution is to leave the door open after each wash cycle to promote good ventilation and allow the appliance to dry properly.

Vinegar & baking soda: a noble duo to deodorize the dishwasher

Whether we like it or not, with time and wear and tear, our equipment begins to break down and stop working properly. After several attempts, a professional may finally advise you to replace the device with a new one. This implies the fact that a considerable sum must be paid to have a more efficient model. If you do not have the budget at the moment, you have another option to try. It is worth trying some very clever home remedies to get rid of the unsightly odors that pollute the inside of the dishwasher.

Here is a very effective solution that can do the trick in just a few minutes. You only need two ingredients with strong deodorizing properties to freshen up and clean your dishwasher: baking soda and white vinegar. These cleaners and sanitizers are ideal for cleaning your appliance from time to time. As a bonus, they are anti-bacterial, anti-scaling and anti-mold. To top it off, these products are environmentally friendly and economical! Here are the steps to follow:

  • Remove the dish basket, rinse it and let it air dry.
  • Remove the filter (for most devices it is enough to unscrew it).
  • Place the filter in a solution of warm water with 1 cup distilled white vinegar.
  • Leave it to soak for 30 minutes. After this time, you can clean it carefully with an old toothbrush or rinsing sponge.
  • Clean the entire filter area carefully: make sure there is no food residue or other debris. Look closely at every corner where debris can sneakily embed itself. In this case, a toothpick can help remove them more easily.
  • After this cleaning, put all the elements back in place. Place a bowl of vinegar on a top grate. One glass is enough.
  • Set the dishwashing program to run on very hot water and let it run empty. Do not begin drying.
  • Then remove the bowl and sprinkle the bottom of the machine with a jar of baking soda. Then set a program for short washing. Finally, rinse the “empty” dishwasher. You’ll be pleasantly surprised that it’s had a makeover!

Other natural remedies to adopt

  • Eliminate bad odors with citrus fruits

Many people don’t take advantage of the unexpected potential of the peels of oranges and lemons. So, stop throwing them in the trash! By adding citrus peels to your dishwasher, you’re guaranteed to leave behind a delicate, fresh and tangy smell. You can put them in a small bag or leave them in one of the cutlery compartments. Then remove them after each wash.

  • Rely on the deodorizing power of baking soda

It’s always good to apply baking soda for that final cleaning touch. Sprinkle half a cup of this white powder on the bottom of the dishwasher: this product quickly neutralizes unpleasant odors without damaging the appliance. Run a short program at maximum temperature. Killing two birds with one stone, the baking soda removes food stains and refreshes the inside of the appliance. Say goodbye to bad odors.