You only need a few natural ingredients to have a clean shower for at least 2 weeks. The effects are amazing. We will show you a process that we are sure you will never give up. You only need to use a few ingredients that you surely already have at home.

How to prevent the shower from getting dirty

The shower is an area of the house that is used on a daily basis, and if it is not cleaned regularly, it can become a source of soap deposits and other residues. However, there are some simple tricks you can use to prevent these deposits from forming and keep your shower smelling clean and fresh.

The first step to preventing soap deposits from forming is to use a body cleaner that won’t leave a residue on the surface. Choose water-based and silicone-free products, as they are less likely to stain and deposit on the surface. Also, avoid using soaps and conditioners that are too greasy, as they can accumulate and form stains that are difficult to remove.

In addition, it is important to clean your shower regularly, especially in places where soap and residue accumulate more easily, such as walls and doors. To do this, you can use a do-it-yourself mixture or a special product for cleaning the shower. Spray the solution on the surface of the shower and let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse it off with warm water.

Spray this natural remedy

Cleaning the shower is a chore that many of us hate, but it is necessary to keep our home smelling hygienic and fresh. Fortunately, there is an easy and affordable way to clean your shower: a DIY mixture of water, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol and dishwashing liquid. This solution is effective against dirt and limescale build-up and can be easily made with ingredients you probably already have around the house.

To create your own concoction, first take an empty spray bottle and fill it with warm water. Then add a few tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, which will help brighten and disinfect the surface. Next, pour in a generous amount of rubbing alcohol, which acts as a disinfectant and sanitizer. Finally, add some dishwashing liquid, which will help remove dirt and grease deposits.

Shake the bottle well to mix the ingredients and spray the solution on the surface of the shower. Let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. Your shower will be clean and fragrant, and you will no longer need to use harsh chemicals.

Moreover, this solution is also economical and environmentally friendly as it uses natural and non-toxic ingredients. Not only will you save cash compared to buying certain shower cleaning products, but you will also have the satisfaction of having done something yourself.

If you’re looking for an easy and affordable way to clean your bathroom fixtures and not have to wash them for at least two weeks, try this DIY mixture of water, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol and dishwashing liquid. We guarantee that you will be satisfied with the result.