How to replace baking paper when you realize you’re out of it. Oven paper is one of those little inventions that you don’t pay too much attention to, but when you think about it, it has changed the lives of quite a few people. Oven paper, in particular, has been allowing us to cook with very little fat since it has existed, the kind we used to have to use to keep dishes from sticking. How it works we all know: just insert a sheet of it between the baking sheet and the food to be baked and then straight into the oven. Tarts, pizzas, sweet or savory pies, as well as roasts and side dishes: it’s nice not to have to deal with greasy baking pans or encrusted food remains that are hard to get rid of. Great, you will say, so where is the problem? The problem, as per the title, occurs when for one reason or another the baking paper has run out and we cannot immediately get another roll. What do you do in such cases? The answer is quickly said: something else is used.

How to replace baking paper when you realize you’re out of it

Of alternatives to baking paper there are actually at least 4, and surely some of them you have already experienced without needing our suggestions. But let’s look at them in more detail, these alternative solutions.

  • Aluminum foil

This is the classic silver paper. For some, it has never gone out of fashion, so we still find it used for baking in foil. The only disadvantage of aluminum is that at high temperatures it is not really advisable. As an emergency solution, however, it is just fine.

  • Butter and flour

Here, too, we go classic. A dab of butter, a little flour, and rest assured that your dough will not stick. Of course, baking paper is more practical and saves us from “dirtying” the pans with butter and flour, but when we lack going back to old habits it is a good solution.

  • Olive oil or seed oil

As mentioned above. The logic is the same. Oven paper is a “cleaner” solution, but if it is lacking, especially when it comes to savory recipes, “falling back” on oil and breadcrumbs is a very valid alternative. Just brush a few drops of it on the bottom of the baking sheet and sprinkle with a handful of breadcrumbs.

  • Silicone

Silicone sheets are now part of the basic equipment of any cook or pastry chef worth his or her salt. They are very effective and therefore also widely used. As an alternative to baking paper, silicone is great: it resists high temperatures, it does not stick, it is hygienic, and it can be repurposed ad libitum.

Yeah, there is also that possibility. Clearly, in this case there is a risk of food sticking to pans but of course it also depends on what you are baking. For certain products, in fact, for example dried fruits or seeds, there is no need to use anything else, they just need to be turned occasionally.