Who doesn’t have a phobia for at least one insect? Spiders, cockroaches, mosquitoes. You are lucky if you don’t! However, behind this phobia, which certainly sometimes takes on outrageous proportions, is a real fear and a natural reflex. The best thing is to protect yourself from pests both for your health and for the hygiene of the house. Among the tips to keep insects away, garlic occupies a small place in the top 10 natural repellents.

How to drive away indoor and other insects from the house and garden, just with garlic and a few plants?

Garlic has long been known and the central element of most cuisine, to enhance the flavor of dishes. Its repellent properties have not gone unnoticed either: The strong, pungent flavor drives away the most stubborn. From there, it is just a step taken long ago to “turn the gun” against the insects that inhabit the house. Here are some tips for using garlic as an insect repellent in the home or garden.

How do you prepare your garlic clove to repel insects outside?

The first repellent process takes only a short time. The garlic bulb is peeled, the cloves are placed on the ground, in strategic places frequented by insects that you have identified. Doors, wall cracks, windowsills and passageways.

The second trick requires a little preparation to make a garlic paste.

You will need:

  • A clove of garlic, about fifteen cloves.
  • A salad bowl, a colander or strainer, a fork, a spray bottle
  • Boiled water
  • In the salad bowl, toss the garlic cloves into previously boiled water.


  • Leave to infuse for fifteen minutes.
  • With a fork, crush the cloves vigorously, as they are not yet fully cooked.
  • Let steep for another quarter of an hour.

Filter through a sieve or colander. Garlic water should be sprayed, then shake the container before spraying. Find all the places frequented by the insects and start spraying again the next day and the next. You will have succeeded in driving them away, and you will be at peace.

How to keep pests away from your garden plants: garlic and natural products?

Do not store your device, you will need it this time for the garden or the balcony boxes of the house. Spraying your plants will continue the distancing measures and protect them from attack by flying and voracious insects. Flowering boxwood, bushes with perennial plants and so many other plantations. It is clear that they are not physically eliminated, but you get rid of them. Repeat spraying as needed on a three-day cycle. It’s also wise to plant certain repellent plants judiciously among your other crops, using the technique of camaraderie.

What to do with tomatoes?

The tomatoes in the garden and on the balcony have to fight against insects, larvae and pegs that adore them, their tender and hairy leaves! Four solutions are available to you: spraying, planting garlic to sprout in the flower bed or pot, cloves outdoors or, for more luck on your side, add a foot of basil. It’s also ready when you can eat the tomatoes.

What smell drives away the insects and animals that destroy the garden?

All aromatic plants, herbs and essential oils of geranium and basil are powerful repellents. In addition to garlic, certain plants rid you of insects such as mint, lemongrass, rosemary and basil.

Like garlic, it’s a little-known repellent, but it can also be found in your kitchen. It will not suit at all the cats and foxes that take your paradise on earth, for a public garden with free toilets. By licking up the coffee grounds after their last needs, the cats will quickly understand that they should not return to this place!

What are the most effective and natural insect repellents? Does lavender attract household insects?

It’s a fact: lavender is a delight for insects, starting with bees, which extract delicious honey from it. It is only as an essential oil that it takes on repellent properties. In a bowl on a bed of coarse salt or on the head of your little ones will keep away lice and other parasites.

What flowers to plant on the terrace to repel flying insects in the evening?

Lemongrass without a doubt! Especially since this perennial plant is very easy to care for and can be used in other forms. Try lemongrass dung. To do this, macerate chopped leaves in standing water, and everything will happen naturally.

You get the idea, garlic in all its forms allows you to repel insects that want to visit your home.