Have you just cleaned your oven, but the glass is still super dirty? Don’t despair, there is more than one solution to restore it to its former glory, as long as you follow our advice. It is not uncommon, in fact, that we clean only the interior, to remove traces of grease, fat and encrustations, and forget about the glass door, achieving a result that is only partially satisfactory and does not solve all the way to the oven the problem of total hygiene. Moreover, we preclude ourselves from monitoring step by step the cooking of our delicacies. It is worth it then, to devote some time to this operation, albeit a bit complex.

The oven glass, in fact, is composed of several layers and stratifications because it has to withstand very high temperatures. That is where food residues accumulate. But to accomplish this, the first task is the delicate disassembly of the door. Instruction manual in hand, accomplish all the necessary steps. Broadly speaking you will need to: open it all the way and locate the hinges, lock them and remove the screws. Pull the metal cover toward you; you have now reached the real glass. Curious to find out how to go about making it shiny? Let’s get started.

Oven glass: bring it back to new with natural ingredients

To clean oven glass, use only natural, effective and non-toxic ingredients. You have as many as two possible ways:

  • Baking soda: a very powerful degreaser

Fill ½ cup with baking soda, then add 2 tablespoons of warm water. Stir carefully to make a fluid, grainy paste. Fear not, it will not scratch or damage surfaces. Before applying it to the glass, wipe it clean with a dampened cloth under the lukewarm tap, then spread the mixture and let it sit for 2 hours. When the time expires, wipe it off with a clean, damp rag. For grooves and difficult spots, however, it is better to spread the powder directly, without mixing it. Let it sit overnight, then remove it using a spray made with water and vinegar.

  • Vinegar

White vinegar is a perfect substitute for any chemical or industrial product because of its antibacterial properties. In a vaporizer pour ¼ cup of vinegar and 1 cup of  water. Spray the solution on the glass and oven door. Let it sit for about 20 minutes and wipe it off with a damp cloth. Now that you have regained all the shine of your oven, you can carefully reassemble the door!

Easy, isn’t it!