Preparing good meals in the oven is undoubtedly one of the best cooking methods. As a bonus, it’s much healthier. Of course, the device must be clean and hygienic. Aside from being unavoidable, the oven is often put to the test: Between splatters of sauce, traces of grease, and leftover food stuck to the walls, it becomes a very fertile ground for bacteria. Without proper cleaning, germs accumulate, and food can suffer. But that’s the problem: cleaning the oven is one of the most tedious tasks at home. Have you ever tried the tinfoil ball trick? It will make your job much easier! Quickly discover this little-known method as well as other techniques to get rid of the stubborn grease that gets into your oven.

How to use aluminum foil to clean the oven rack?

Cleaning the oven is probably still one of the most boring and tedious household tasks. So, the majority of people delay this task as much as possible. The longer you put it off, the harder and more tedious the work becomes. After all, just to get rid of grease and dirt quickly, first of all, you cannot wait until they harden and stick to the grille. Fortunately, there are methods to effortlessly clean the internal components of the oven. Thanks to the aluminum foil, you will get an excellent result after just a few minutes! Here’s how:

  • Cover the surface of the still-hot grill with a layer of oil.
  • Roll the foil into a ball and rub it over the grill.
  • Pay more attention to areas where dirt and grease are embedded.
  • Then rinse the grill under hot water and rub it again with the ball.
  • Then use dishwashing liquid or another degreaser to remove any remaining residue. Finally, continue with the rinsing process.

The grille will be very clean and shiny, with no traces of burnt residue.

Quick tip: To keep the bottom of the oven from getting dirty during cooking, always place aluminum foil on top. It prevents spills and saves you time when cleaning.

Two more tips to make your oven rack shine

  • Using ammonia

Looking for another effective way to quickly clean the oven rack? Trust in the power of ammonia. It is an excellent cleaning and disinfecting agent. However, since it is nitrogen-based, it can be very irritating and has a rather unpleasant odor. If it comes into contact with the skin, it can cause burns. Therefore, it is advisable to wear protective gloves and a mask when using it. Here’s how:

  • Take a garbage bag, go outside and carefully fill it with ammonia.
  • Slide the grid into the bag.
  • Close the bag tightly to isolate it.
  • Wait a few hours and then remove the grid. Rinse it thoroughly.

It will be very clean; you don’t even need to scrub anymore.

Note: To clean a very dirty oven, you can also pour some ammonia in a bowl and leave it in there for a few hours. Then wear your gloves and wipe the walls with a sponge soaked in soapy water. Then leave the oven door open all night to properly ventilate. It will be like new!

Powerful duo: white vinegar and baking soda

Cleaning freaks surely already know that this mixture is often infallible against the most stubborn grease stains. Thanks to their stain-dissolving, brightening and deodorizing properties, these two natural products are in no way inferior to chemical substances. To clean your oven rack and give it a nice shine, you can count on this duo with remarkable disinfecting potential. Here’s how:

  • Place the rack in the kitchen sink.
  • Sprinkle it with baking soda.
  • Add the white vinegar.
  • It immediately forms a foamy mass. It melts dirt and removes grease stains in no time.
  • Then fill the sink with hot water and cover the grid. Let the solution work overnight.
  • The next day, rub the grill with a dampened pumice stone or microfiber sponge to remove the encrustations.

Good to know: You can also use a microfiber sponge or a pumice stone to make the oven walls shine. You will need: ½ cup of baking soda and 2 or 3 tablespoons of water. Mix these two ingredients well until you get a paste that you apply to the inside walls of the oven (after it has cooled, of course!). Then leave it on all night. The next day, simply remove the white powder residue with a damp cloth. Rinse and you’re done!