Imagine the picture: You’ve prepared a delicious meal for the whole family, everyone is sitting at the table to enjoy that succulent breakfast, but now you’re missing an important ingredient. Oops, you just realized that you completely forgot to stop by the bakery. You’ll have to do without bread! Not so sure. And what about the one you already have in the freezer? But no, it’s not too late. Not only can you defrost it in minutes, but it will be as crusty as you can get at a restaurant. Here are two methods you should follow!

While it is true that stale bread can have different uses, many people defrost it to eat it as if it had just been purchased. Usually, the ritual is to take it out of the freezer 30 minutes in advance before lunch or dinner so it can thaw slowly. Of course, if you forget to take it out in time, you will go out without it. But rest assured, there are several clever ways to defrost bread quickly. We’ll show you the ones that give the best results. Your bread will go from frozen to tender, crusty brioche as if you bought it the same day.

How to defrost bread in the microwave?

If you have little time, your children are impatiently sitting at the table or your guests are already knocking on the front door, going to the bakery nearby is not an option. Therefore, the microwave will be your best ally. Its secret weapon? Speed. You can count on it to defrost your bread in less than a minute. Here’s how:

  • First, wrap the bread in a damp cloth or, if that’s not possible, a paper towel.
  • Place it on a plate and put it in the microwave for 15 seconds.
  • Take it out and if you see that it is not completely thawed, you can repeat the process.

Of course, if the bread slices are defrosted quickly, they will not be as crispy as in the oven. This defrosting method makes it lose its tender and crispy appearance. But it is the best emergency method to defrost bread in record time, especially if you need it immediately. You can finish cooking it in the oven. Place your bread in the oven (which you have preheated beforehand) at 356°F for 3 to 5 minutes. You can leave the bread in the oven for another 3-5 minutes with the oven off.

How to defrost bread in the oven?

Slower than the microwave, the oven, on the other hand, promises deliciously soft bread inside and crispy outside. In any case, it is much faster than the normal outdoor defrosting method. Want to wow your guests with a crispy crust and melt-in-your-mouth restaurant-style crumb? It’s this way. Here’s how:

  • Start by preheating the oven to 392 °F.
  • Place baguette or bread slices directly on the rack.
  • Bake for 5 minutes.
  • Then turn off the oven and leave the bread in it for another five minutes.
  • Finally, remove the bread from the oven and let it rest for another 5 minutes.

Let’s go, your bread is ready to be tasted with appetite!