1. Choose the right support for your vertical garden

The first step in creating a vertical garden is choosing the right support. There are several options available to you, and it is important to choose a support that is suited to your needs and your environment. Among the most common media are:

Gutters and conduits, which allow you to create a linear vertical garden in height. This type of support is particularly suitable for narrow balconies or terraces. Planted frames, which are wooden structures (such as pallets) or metal, designed to hold potted plants. They can be attached directly to the wall or placed on an independent support.

Green walls are areas completely covered with vegetation and are the most spectacular solution for creating a vertical garden. They can be made in modular systems for attachment to the wall or integrated directly into the building structure. When choosing your support, remember to consider the visibility of the wall, the strength of the structure and the ease of maintenance of the vertical garden.

  1. Choose the right plants for your vertical garden

Choosing plants is a critical step to the success of your vertical garden. It is important to choose species that are adapted to the conditions of your environment (exposure, temperature, humidity) and to the aesthetics you want to create. Here are some tips to help you choose the right plants: Opt for hardy plants that tolerate drought and urban conditions well, such as ferns, succulents or grasses. Prefer plants with low roots, which are better adapted to growing at height and require less soil depth. Perennials and groundcovers are good choices.

Think about the complementarity of species to create a harmonious and balanced vertical garden. Combine plants of different sizes, shapes and colors to create volume and contrast. Don’t forget climbing and hanging plants that add a touch of verticality and dynamism to your garden. Clematis, ivy and morning glory are attractive options. Don’t hesitate to ask professionals or experienced gardeners to find out which species are best for your region and project.

  1. Prepare and install your vertical garden

Once you’ve selected the support and plants for your vertical garden, it’s time to move on to setting up and preparing your project. Here are the main steps you need to follow:

  • Attach the support: Use high quality materials and fasteners to ensure the stability and durability of your vertical garden.
  • Prepare the substrate in which the plants will grow. Opt for a light and draining mixture of potting soil, compost and perlite or vermiculite. Make sure that the substrate is held firmly in the holder and that there is no danger of it slipping out.
  • Install an irrigation system that is appropriate for your vertical garden. Irrigation is essential to the health of your plants and can be difficult to manage at altitude. Drip irrigation systems or porous pipes are efficient solutions that use little water.
  • Plant plants according to a thoughtful and harmonious planting plan. Place the tallest and hardiest plants at the bottom of the vertical garden and the more delicate and drooping species at the top. Be sure to leave enough space between plants so they can grow without interfering with each other.
  • Be patient, as it will take some time for your vertical garden to take shape and reach its full aesthetic potential. Don’t forget to maintain your vertical garden regularly, especially in terms of watering, fertilizing and pruning to ensure the sustainability of your project.
  1. Tips to enhance your vertical garden

To give your vertical garden that little “extra” that makes all the difference, here are some tips and decorative ideas to implement:

  • Play with lighting to highlight your plants and create different atmospheres depending on the time of day. Recessed spotlights, light garlands or wall sconces are solutions for lighting your vertical garden.
  • Incorporate decorative elements into your vertical garden to personalize your space and make it unique. Mirrors, plant frames, sculptures or recycled objects can add a touch of originality and creativity to your project.
  • Use perspective to add depth to your vertical garden and create a trompe l’oeil effect. By planting species of different sizes and alternating dense and sparse areas, you’ll create an eye-catching visual effect.
  • Combine your vertical garden with other green spaces to create a true green oasis and enhance the impression of nature in the middle of the city. Installing planters, hanging pots or window boxes can harmoniously complete your vertical garden.

By following these tips and letting your imagination run wild, you can create an exceptional vertical garden that will turn your outdoor space into a true oasis of tranquility and beauty.

Creating a vertical garden is a great way to add greenery to your outdoor space and bring a touch of freshness and nature to the heights. By choosing the right support, selecting appropriate plants, carefully preparing and installing your vertical garden and adding some decorative tips, you will achieve a spectacular and long-lasting result. Do not hesitate to embark on this green adventure and share your achievements with your loved ones and neighbors, who will surely appreciate this wonderful backdrop of floating greenery!