Among the household mistakes that drive up electricity bills is failing to unplug dead electrical appliances. These standby devices continue to consume energy. This results in a significant energy expense. Find out how to save on energy costs by unplugging electronic devices that are turned off. Even when an electronic device is turned off, it continues to use energy unless it is unplugged. This is called a standby device. To save on your electric bill and limit energy consumption, it is important to unplug electronic devices that you are not using.

Why should appliances not be kept on standby?

When an electrical device is left plugged in, it consumes energy even when it is turned off. By the way, the power consumption of standby devices is called hidden consumption. This represents 11% of a household’s energy bill. The flow of electricity in devices on standby not only creates excessive energy consumption, but also affects the lifespan of these devices. However, if you do not keep the devices in standby mode, you would save around $80 per year.

Which devices in standby consume the most energy?

First come monitors and peripherals. Then satellite dishes take second place. Then comes the dryer’s turn. In fourth place we find the kitchen oven. Finally, fifth place is occupied by the television. Other devices on the list include the Internet box. This is also in 6th place. If it stays plugged in all the time, it can consume more energy than a washing machine.  Remember to unplug it when not in use to avoid unnecessary energy consumption. The washing machine and dishwasher are household appliances that consume energy even in standby mode. On the other hand, unlike other appliances, it is recommended not to disconnect them from the mains. The standby mode would detect a possible water leak.

How to reduce the energy consumption of appliances in standby?

To minimize the energy consumption of your electrical appliances and reduce your bill, you can apply these eco-gestures.

  • Use the power strip:

If several devices are connected to a power strip, it is easier not to forget about them in standby.  Press the switch so that your devices are no longer connected to the power and no longer consume energy.

  • Go for the Energy Star label:

when buying office equipment such as monitors, computers, printers, scanners, etc., it is important to choose equipment that carries the Energy Star label. This logo, adopted by the European Commission, is awarded to equipment that consumes the least energy.

  • Disconnect the phone charger:

Leaving the phone charger plugged into a power outlet, even when charging is complete, will consume power. This is true even if the charger is left plugged in empty. In fact, chargers are equipped with transformers that convert the voltage of the electricity coming from the outlet to the voltage required for the phone being charged. These transformers need electricity to function. However, the problem is that they still consume energy even when the battery is full, or the charger is plugged in empty. Therefore, it is important to disconnect the charger from the phone as soon as the battery is full. Especially since leaving your phone plugged in can cause many incidents.

By not keeping electrical devices on standby, you not only reduce your energy consumption, but also extend the life of your devices and improve their energy efficiency.