Many people think that kitchen sponges can only be used in the kitchen. Well, think again! In fact, it is possible to use them outside the kitchen, such as in your garden. Find out how to recycle your kitchen sponges and get the most out of them!

Recycle kitchen sponges: How to reuse them in the garden?

Have you ever noticed that people tend to throw away worn-out things and buy new ones? But did you know that it is possible to recycle certain everyday items in a very original way? This is especially the case with old kitchen sponges, which you can use to grow your own plants!

Combine sponges with soil

One way to recycle sponges is to mix them with soil. To do this, you will need:

  • Scissors
  • A kitchen sponge
  • A pot

First you need to cut the sponge into small pieces about 0.5 inch wide. Then you need to fill your pot with potting soil, throwing in the sponge pieces to make a homogeneous whole. The small pieces of sponge will ensure that the roots of the plant grow quickly and optimally thanks to the empty spaces created. In fact, we must not forget that, in addition to water, the roots also need air to develop optimally.

Fight aphids

Aphids are still a nuisance for most plants and can be extremely difficult to eliminate. In this case, a kitchen sponge is also helpful. Dip it in any product designed to kill pests and use it to clean the branches.

Hunt moles and mice

When aphids destroy crops from above, moles dig from below. You can scare them away with a repellent they fear more than anything else: essential oils. Dip the sponge in the essential oil of your choice and place it in the potting soil. It is unlikely that the mole will want to approach the source of the odor. Mice are also sensitive to these odors.

Planting from seed

Another use for old kitchen sponges is planting a plant from its seeds. In this case, it is necessary to divide the sponge into two parts, but without separating it completely. This means that you need to make a cut that is not deep enough to reach the other side of the sponge. At this point, the seeds of the selected plant can be inserted into the newly created slit so that they are at least 1 inch apart. Once the operation is complete, you need to put the sponge in a container with some water and wait patiently for the seeds to germinate. After 2 weeks you should be able to see the first results and when the seedlings reach a diameter of about 3 inches, you need to transplant them into a larger pot with soil.