The idea may seem amazing at first but lighting a match and flushing it down the toilet can help you get rid of a recurring problem. Say goodbye to harmful chemicals and make way for a tried-and-true trick. Matches still have a bright future ahead of them. In fact, if they are still used to light candles or cigarettes, they can be used in other ways as well.

Why do toilets smell bad?

  • Feces and urine can accumulate in the toilet bowl and cause an unpleasant odor.
  • Bacteria and germs in feces and urine can also contribute to the unpleasant odor.
  • Pipes and drains can become clogged, causing unpleasant odors.
  • If the toilet is not cleaned regularly, dirt and dust can build up and cause a bad odor.

Some people use chemicals to clean toilets, which can leave behind an unpleasant chemical smell

Throw a match in your toilet to get rid of bad odors

Unfortunately, the bad odors that the toilet can give off don’t disappear right away. To hide them, we immediately think of industrial air fresheners, although they are made of chemicals. On the other hand, a simple game can play the same role within a few seconds. If the bad smell persists, light a match before throwing it into the toilet. Thus, the smoke should mask the unpleasant odor. Caution is still advised, of course. If the solution is so effective, it’s because the match releases sulfur after it’s cracked, which masks the bad odors coming out of the toilet. Note that it is important not to throw the match because if your drain is already clogged, this could make the situation worse. Remember to wet it before throwing it in the trash.

Other ways to get rid of bad toilet odors

Bad odors from the toilet are embarrassing, especially if the bathroom is clean. Here are some natural ways to get rid of it safely:

  • Baking soda to absorb unpleasant toilet odors

A jar of baking soda can not only help you absorb bad toilet odors, but also fight limescale and hard water stains thanks to its abrasive power. To do this, place a bowl filled with baking soda in the room to gradually neutralize the smell.  On the other hand, you can pour baking soda on the bottom of the bowl to remove traces of lime and hard water while you clear the pipes.

  • Lemon to absorb unpleasant odors from the toilet

As far as household care is concerned, lemon is a great ally, but its benefits go far beyond that. For good reason, it can also be useful against bad odors from the toilet. To use it, place lemon slices on a plate and place the plate somewhere in the bathroom. This way, the lemon will absorb bad odors while bringing a fresher scent to your bathroom. For the effect to last, consider replacing the lemon slices once a week.

  • Essential oil to eliminate bad odors from the toilets

One of the main reasons for bad odors in toilets is poor ventilation. However, you can prevent this by using essential oils and their deodorizing properties.  Their scent is not only as strong as an air freshener, but also not harmful to health. It is also a remarkable natural deodorant.

To use it for this purpose, you have two options. You can simply use their natural scent through an essential oil diffuser, or impregnate cotton balls with the essential oil of your choice and then place them in each corner of the bathroom. Do not hesitate to prefer essential oils known for their disinfectant properties, such as essential oil of peppermint, thyme, lemongrass or even eucalyptus. If you want, you can pour one of them in a spray bottle and add lemon juice, white vinegar or baking soda for an ultra-deodorizing effect.

Thanks to these tips, you no longer have to use chemical air fresheners to get rid of bad odors from your toilet.