Did you know that there is a trick that allows you to quickly grow your orchids new seedlings and branches? Let’s find out together.

Seedling growth

There are several ways and techniques to get plants that always bloom and are healthy. Every plant needs some care and tricks to grow lush. Orchids are very delicate and beautiful shrubs that need proper care to grow new branches and leaves quickly. Providing the plant with the right amount of light, water and fertilizer can stimulate its flowering phase. To grow orchid seedlings quickly, I recommend you read the method explained here.

Orchid care

Orchids are flowers that need special care to develop and form new roots and leaves. Water is essential for the growth and development of an orchid plant. Since they are tropical plants, they need a good dose of light and moisture. Some plant species adapt well to different climatic conditions. As for lighting, it must be said that although it needs a lot of light, it should never be exposed to direct sunlight. Water is necessary for any plant species, as it enables its vital functions. For orchids, it should be noted that it must be given in the correct dose and frequency. The substrate of an orchid must always be moist. Never water too much, so as not to cause waterlogging and rot the roots of the plant. In a natural way, through targeted fertilization and specific care can grow beautiful orchids. To obtain beautiful flowers and always have healthy orchids, some simple procedures can be applied.

Blooming orchids

Orchid usually blooms once a year, but thanks to their elegant buds last a long time. In general, it can be said that the flowering of an orchid is related to several factors. To promote the flowering of this beautiful tropical plant, the ideal storage temperature is between 68 and 77 °F.

An orchid needs many hours of light, preferably filtered through a curtain in the house. Therefore, depending on the type of orchid, it is important to provide the right amount of light, humidity and fertilizer. There are some types of orchids, such as the well-known phalaenopsis or butterfly orchid, whose flowers last from three to five months. To produce new buds and new flowers after flowering, simply cut the dry branches and stems where the nodes are empty.

Procedure for propagation of branches and seedlings

The first thing you need to do to always have flowering orchids with seedlings and branches is to take a clove of garlic and chop it into small pieces. Then the chopped garlic should be placed in a glass container with about 10 fl oz of water. After closing the container with a lid, the garlic should soak for about 4 hours.

In the meantime, take an egg, drill a small hole at one end, empty it and drill another hole at the opposite side. The emptied eggshell should be thoroughly washed with water. Now just take a sprig of orchid and cut it diagonally at one end to facilitate the absorption of water.

After filtering the water with garlic, it should be transferred to a glass container. The orchid stem should be immersed in filtered garlic water for about twenty minutes. After this time, the branch should be cleaned with absorbent cotton. Then you need to take some moss, which should be wetted with garlic water and then wrung out. After you fill the eggshell with moss, just put the branch of orchid.

Finally, you need to take a small plastic bottle and cut off the neck of the bottle to make another container. After placing the neck of the bottle on the bottom of the plastic container, place the eggshell with the orchid. After adding the water, you need to close the container with the orchid stem in the shell. After four weeks you can start changing the water and after about two months you will get new leaves and healthy roots. Finally, the new orchid plant can be transferred to a transparent vase with a little soil.