Nerium oleander, as oleander is scientifically called, needs a lot of sun, water and nutrients. If oleander does not bloom or flowers do not form despite buds in the spring, the reason for the lack of flowers can be, among other things, an incorrect location, improper care or a pest infestation. Proper care and fertilizers in the form of home remedies help the plant grow and thrive and contribute to the health of the plant. Pests also inhibit the growth of flowers; they can be controlled with home remedies.

In the clip: A beautiful garden almost without watering? This is how it works!

Incorrect wintering, by the way, can also lead to the fact that oleander plants do not bloom in the summer. The damage of a wrong location in winter usually cannot be repaired. In this case, it is necessary to be patient and wait for the next season.

Making oleander bloom with home remedies

Both mineral and organic fertilizers prevent nutrient deficiency and pest infestation in oleander. In fact, both can be reasons why oleander does not bloom. Instead of environmentally harmful synthetic fertilizers, kitchen waste, which is produced daily in many households, can be used as fertilizer. If the plant is already infested with pests, home remedies help to rid it of them. These have proven effective:

  • Coffee grounds or black tea
  • Eggshells
  • Water-soap solution and rapeseed oil against pests

It depends on these tricks in the care, so that oleander bushes form beautiful flowers:

  • Fertilize oleander once a week in spring and summer.
  • Use stale, chalky tap water for watering, not rainwater.
  • Prune oleander only carefully. Severe pruning can cause the plant to stop blooming, as new flowers are formed directly on the old inflorescence.
  • Remove wilted leaves by hand and do not cut off the old inflorescences.

Caution: all plant parts of oleander are highly toxic, so wear gloves when gardening.

Make oleander bloom with coffee grounds or tea

Coffee grounds contain important minerals, such as potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, which oleander needs for leaf growth and flower formation. Here’s how to make this natural fertilizer: collect leftover coffee grounds, spread them out on a cloth and let them air dry to prevent mold from forming. Then work the dry coffee grounds into the root zone of the soil or dissolve them directly in the irrigation water. Black tea powder also ranet minerals and is suitable for fertilizing oleander.

Tip: Don’t overdo it, coffee and tea residues make the soil a bit acidic, weekly fertilizing is enough.

Fertilize oleander with eggshells

Eggshells provide lime, which oleander also likes. To do this, collect eggshells and break them into small pieces. Work the crumbs into the soil of the oleander, then water with tap water.

Ridding Leander of pests

Pests can prevent oleander from blooming or opening its buds. Aphids and spider mites in particular like to settle on it, so keep taking a look at the plant; the pests are usually visible to the naked eye. What helps? Aphids can usually be wiped off well with a rag soaked in a soap solution. If the infestation is more severe, spray a soap and water solution on the plant, this will loosen the critters. You can also make a spray of water and canola oil or neem oil to rid the oleander of pests. To prevent an infestation, spray the leaves with it from below, because the pests cannot hold on to the oily substrate.

Proper care for oleander – it all comes down to this

A splendidly blooming oleander is a beautiful eye-catcher in the garden or on the balcony. Its flowering period is from June to about mid-September. What can you do to ensure that oleander blooms beautifully on a regular basis in summer? Our tips and tricks for proper care:

  • Proper location: oleander loves sun and warmth without drafts, ideally it should be in front of a house wall. Filled varieties should also be protected from rain by a roof. A cool summer with temperatures below 18 degrees can already be the reason why the oleander does not bloom and does not open its buds. Then it only helps to hope for a warmer summer next year.
  • Proper care: Nerium oleander needs plenty of water to thrive properly. However, the water should not be too cold and permanent waterlogging should be avoided. Around March the growing season begins, then it is important to fertilize oleander every week. For potted plants, fertilize at the latest when they are placed outdoors again after the winter. From about the end of August, omit the fertilizer and only water the plant.
  • Winterizing: In the fall, oleander should be winterized, as the plants are not permanently frost-resistant and may die if exposed to sub-zero temperatures for several days. An ideal wintering place for oleander is a bright and well-ventilated place indoors, preferably at temperatures between two and ten degrees.