When the sun is really blazing outside, the ground sometimes gets really hot. Can you still go for a walk without hesitation? Or could it then be that the four-legged friends burn their paws?

On hot summer days, the last thing we and our four-legged companions want to do is go for a long walk. Of course, a short walk cannot be completely avoided – after all, our pets also have to go to the toilet. The problem: hot asphalt. As a dog owner, you often don’t notice how much the ground heats up in the sun. Of course, we also have shoes on. But our dogs don’t have this protective barrier. This can quickly have nasty consequences for the paws. Because: dogs can certainly burn their paws!

At what point do dogs burn their paws?

Even if the outside temperatures do not climb immeasurably, the asphalt can nevertheless quickly heat up sensitively. So, the ground can already become hot at 77 degrees outside temperature up to 120 degrees! A special danger goes out thereby from dark asphalt. Dog paws are resistant, but they can get burned at temperatures as low as about 104 degrees. It plays naturally also a role, how long the dog stands on the hot underground. A short hop over the asphalt to the lawn is something completely different than a long walk. But: better safe than sorry.

In the heat: The “7-second rule”

Floor temperatures or not: There is a simple method you can use to find out if the floor is too hot for your paws. The animal welfare organization Vier Pfoten recommends the “7-second test”.

You hold the back of your hand for seven seconds on the ground or the surface on which you want to walk. If you can’t stand it well, then it’s clearly too warm for your dog’s paws. This is how you protect your dogs.

Additionally, If you can arrange it and your dogs can stand the waiting time, it is best to move the walk to the morning and evening hours. Then the floors are still cold or have already cooled down. If you go outside during the day, it is best to walk only on meadows or grass strips. These do not heat up so much and prevent your pets from getting burned.

And even if some dogs do not like it at all: Dog shoes not only provide wonderful protection against road salt in winter, but also against hot sidewalks. It often takes a little practice until dogs get used to these things, but it’s worth it!

By the way, there are also certain ointments that you can use to protect your dog’s paws. The creams promise to form a kind of protective layer against the heat. Of course, this is not a sure protection against burns, but it is a start. Plus, the ointments are great for paw care.

What do burned dog paws look like?

The symptoms of burned dog paws are not that dissimilar to the discomfort we have when we get burned:

  • 1st degree burn: the skin is red and swollen.
  • 2nd degree burns: blisters form on the skin.
  • 3rd-degree burns: the skin is clearly charred.

What to do when paws are burned?

Despite all the caution, of course, it can happen that the dog burns his paws on the ground after all. Then you should definitely go to the vet. Until you can see the doctor, you should give first aid.

First, cool the paw under running water. The water should not be ice cold. Also, ice lumps are unsuitable, because these can cause tissue damage. In addition, you can bandage the paw or protect it with a clean sock.