Do you want to have an always healthy laurel plant on the balcony? Here are some tricks that you must always follow so that problems of any kind never occur.

Laurel is an evergreen plant with incredible benefits for our health. It is an aromatic plant that can flavor many recipes in the best possible way and bring significant benefits to our body. From the bay leaves are made tasty seasonings for various meat dishes and more. They are also used to make infusions, herbal teas and in certain cases even alcoholic products such as liqueurs.

Very often people buy bay leaves directly from the supermarket, not knowing how convenient, practical and easy it is to grow a bay plant on the home balcony or in the garden. Having an always available bay plant at home can be very important, both for the preparation of tasty culinary recipes and for other specific aspects.

As we said, the beneficial properties of laurel are innumerable. For example, when used as a decoction, infusion or herbal tea, it helps to relieve various ailments and significantly improve our digestion. The laurel also relieves many intestinal ailments and abdominal swelling. This plant is also credited with the ability to fight aerophagy. However, in this article we do not want to write a treatise on the beneficial properties of the laurel plant, but rather discover some techniques to make the laurel seedling always grow healthy and abundant. Let’s find out all the information about it.

The tricks to make the bay laurel seedling grow better on the balcony of the house

We have said that growing a seedling from time on your home balcony is really very simple. So, let’s find out how to make sure that it grows perfectly healthy, without suffering. Growing laurel can be done either by planting the seeds or by planting a newly formed shoot of a bush. For cultivation in pots on the balcony is more recommended planting technique with seeds.

The soil, on which you plan to plant your laurel seedling, must then be soft enough and well drained. In addition, contrary to what you might think, it should not contain a large amount of organic nutrients. It is enough that the soil is universal and rich in manure and earthworm humus. For more information, contact the nursery you trust.

The pot, in which the laurel seedling is planted, must be of medium size. It is important to promote the development of the roots in the best possible way. The hole must have some holes to allow water to drain, so that it does not stagnate dangerously. In the pot you need to fill the previously described soil. Now you just need to put your seedling in the pot with the soil. Now let’s find out how best to cultivate and care for this seedling over time. Here are some tricks.

Cultivation on the balcony: here are the best strategies

Not all plants have the same rules and the same places where they can grow optimally. In fact, they differ depending on the composition of the soil, the choice of location – usually in the shade or in the sun -, the amount of water needed for irrigation and many other factors. Our laurel seedling must be mainly in the shade, but it will not mind receiving sunlight for 3 to 4 hours a day. However, it is important that it is not directly illuminated by the sun’s rays , as it may “suffer” from this condition for too long. The balcony in a lighted and dimly lit place is the ideal place for the location of your laurel plant.

Therefore, as for watering, it is important not to give the seedling too much water. Perform this operation only and exclusively when the soil is particularly dry. In addition, as with all plants, it is better to carry out watering in the cooler hours of the day. Therefore, choose either the early morning or late afternoon.

As mentioned above, you can remove the leaves from your seedling that you need for your preparations in the kitchen. It is necessary to use very clean scissors, but without removing only one leaf from the branch. Instead, you need to cut the entire branch, so that growth does not stop and soon develop a new branch.