Which houseplants attract insects and which ones can cause us so many problems? Take them out immediately. Let’s find out together the names and characteristics of these houseplants that attract insects. Also, we will tell you the very simple tricks that you can put into practice if you want your home to be completely free of these pesky creatures.

Houseplants that attract insects

Surely it has happened to you at some point in your life that you notice a large concentration of insects in your home at certain times of the year. Maybe you just started growing some plants and didn’t realize that they attract insects like flies and mosquitoes. Below we show which houseplants attract insects. But first we explain how you can avoid the problem.

First of all, you should avoid growing these plants in your home at all costs, preferring to place them in the garden or on the balcony. Then, install mosquito nets that prevent insects from entering the house if your plant is near a window. Use citronella candles and insecticides in general, even natural ones that act as repellents against these insects. Another trick you can use is to grow plants close to each other that somehow manage to get rid of each other’s insects. If you want to put this advice into practice, you really need to learn more about botany to know which plants are actually able to neutralize the insects that are best for you. These are some really simple but basic steps that will help you get rid of insects completely.

Here is what they are:

  • The first plant is the unsuspected laurel. This vegetable could attract flies and mosquitoes, but also other types of insects. If you want to plant laurel, we strongly recommend doing it in the garden and not indoors. This is the only way you can actually prevent an insect invasion in your home.
  • The second plant that causes the arrival of insects is definitely Anemone. In addition to the insects already mentioned with the laurel, this plant also attracts large leaf beetles. From an aesthetic point of view, it is a beautiful plant, but we should not grow it at home if we want to exclude the presence of insects.
  • Another plant that can attract an infinite number of insects is the pansy. This vegetable is often grown in the gardens and balconies of houses, but less inside them. This is precisely because of its ability to approach all insects that can be a nuisance in the house, such as aphids.
  • And then again, the chamomile, which attracts both aphids and worms and finally the silk flowers, which mainly attract mosquitoes and therefore their introduction into the house in the summer is absolutely not recommended. These are really widespread plants, but many did not know that they can actually attract a large number of insects.