Get rid of ants with a natural home remedy, instead of destroying them. We’ll show you how easy it is here.

Sometimes amazing secrets hide in unexpected places – even in the things we usually think of as trash. And yes, I really do mean your bathroom! It may sound paradoxical, but the next stage of your garden optimization could literally start with something you dispose of every day: urine! You wouldn’t believe how valuable it can be. With its rich source of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium – essential nutrients for plant growth – urine can do wonders for your garden. But urine is also a natural weapon against pests. Find out exactly how it works here.

Urine in a jar: The garden hack comes from this country

Sometimes the internet spits out the craziest DIY tips. One of them is definitely urine against insects. Brooke hails from the US and runs the Instagram page. The passionate gardener has meanwhile found the best remedy for her garden against an ant infestation: A week-old aged urine. We’ll show you how she uses it here.

Urine against ants: The Romans already knew this

Brooke’s methods take some getting used to but are probably very effective. She reveals in her video, which has already been viewed more than 4.8 million times on Instagram, that she has long had problems with the ants in her garden. “Years ago, when we had chickens, I had the worst ant infestation I’ve ever seen. One of my chickens even died from it. I tried everything and was so desperate that I even had a pest controller come in to kill all the queen ants. However, the problem persisted,” she reveals in her post. Red ants, like the ones in America, can probably be quite dangerous for pets.

Ant infestation: how Brooke found a solution

“Finally, when I was about to give up, I went to a gardening group for advice. An older farmer told me, ‘Pee in a jar, let it sit outside in the sun for a week, and pour it down the hill.’ That’s how the ancient Romans did it!'” the American recounts.

The mother of three followed through with the plan and got support from her offspring. “Luckily, I have 3 boys at home who filled jar after jar and after it had been sitting in the sun for some time, I found the ant hills and poured the urine right down. The next day I was speechless, there were NO more ants,” says the amateur gardener with satisfaction. Her urine method has been working for 5 years now.

These 4 tips help to fight ants

Fresh urine does not work. It has to stand for a few days. I don’t know why, but it does. The darker the urine gets, the more effective it is. Make sure you pour the urine down THAT hill. It won’t work if you just pour it anywhere. It has to go down the hill. And Brooke’s most important tip: You better not smell the jars, you’ll pass out!

With the home remedy urine, drive away ants

  • Fresh urine does not work. It must stand for a few days. I don’t know why, but it does.
  • The darker the urine gets, the more effective it is.
  • Make sure you pour the urine down THAT hill. It won’t work if you just pour it anywhere. It has to go down the hill.
  • And Brooke’s most important tip: You better not smell the jars, you’ll pass

Did you know? Ants in the garden are not that bad

If you think about it, ants in the garden aren’t so bad. They play an important role in decomposing dead plant matter and other organic material in the garden. In fact, they help speed up the process when composting by breaking down organic matter. So, think twice if you really want to get rid of and kill these little critters.