Our body is constantly changing, even if imperceptibly, and we may notice changes over time for no apparent reason. Have you ever noticed small red dots on your skin and couldn’t explain what they are and why they appeared? In this article we will find out together what they are and whether they are cause for concern or not.

Red spots on the skin

Surely, someone has noticed red suspicious spots on their skin surface from one day to another. Such a discovery may cause some confusion, when until some time ago no such signs were seen on the dermis, which appeared perfectly smooth. The question then arises as to what they are, why they have a red color and whether they could be dangerous and harmful to health and not just a symptom of a disease. Let’s try to shed light on them and find out what they are.

They rarely appear on the skin of children and are much more common in people over 30. According to this study, they occur in up to 50% of adults. Once these spots appear, they cannot be seen to disappear unless they are surgically removed. In addition, although they look like moles, they are not. What is it then?

These red dots are actually cherry angiomas, mole-like skin formations made up of small blood vessels or capillaries that give them the color from which they get their name. They are the most common form of angioma and are due to an overgrowth of capillaries. They are also called Campbell-de Morgan spots or senile angiomas and are benign, age-related tumors that become more numerous with age.

They are almost always harmless and therefore should not be a cause for concern. However, if you notice bleeding or the appearance of multiple lesions, you should see a doctor to make sure it is not another type of angioma.

Angioma protection and removal

If their development is due to hormonal or genetic factors, they cannot always be prevented, but precautions can be taken, such as reducing UV exposure and applying an appropriate sunscreen, as well as eating a healthy and balanced diet to promote healthy skin.

Since these are benign formations, removal is not necessary. Nevertheless, for purely aesthetic or comfort reasons, one may choose to remove them if they are located on areas of the body where rubbing against clothing is unavoidable. In this case, the removal is performed by a qualified doctor using a laser.

If you have noticed the appearance of these red dots on your skin, you can consult your dermatologist to determine their origin and nature. Have you ever noticed these dots on your skin?