Before you throw away leftover garlic skins while preparing your meal, there are simple variations to reuse them in the garden.

Now that summer is coming to an end, your plants could use some extra attention. It doesn’t take much effort to do this if you have some garlic at home. Before you just throw away the leftover peels of garlic, as they have no use in the kitchen, they can be used in the garden. How this works and what impact the garlic peels have on your garden, read here.

Use garlic peels in the garden: Here’s how easy it is!

Garlic peels are often left over as a by-product of cooking and end up in the trash. But we tell you methods to use the leftovers still clever. Whether chopped up or as a whole, the garlic peels can be integrated directly into the garden, according to the motto “From the kitchen to the garden”. Several possibilities are open to you here, because both the shelf life of your fall harvest and pest control can be supported by the garlic peels. In addition, the peels can be used as fertilizer.

How garlic peels can extend the shelf life of your fall crop

Garlic has many benefits for us humans. Eating this vegetable cleanses the body, stimulates the metabolism, and moreover, it can protect our harvest from premature spoilage. You should definitely take advantage of this for the upcoming fall harvest. To do this, take the garlic skins and put them over your vegetable crop. Then store the whole thing in the cellar. Garlic peels contain phytoncides that dampen the processes of spoilage and decay. It’s best to test it on your harvested vegetables in the fall.

Garlic as a natural remedy against pests

Garlic peels can be used in a variety of ways against pests. Most notably, garlic peels work wonders when used against wireworms and Colorado potato beetles. Two methods are open to you:

The decoction of a garlic infusion can drive pests away from your plants. To do this, you need to crush the garlic peels and put them in a pot. Water is poured over them so that all the peels are well covered. Heat the whole thing and let it simmer for 20 to 30 minutes. Then let the water cool, strain out the peels and put the water in a spray bottle. Now spray this garlic peel decoction generously on your plants. It is usually also sufficient to place the crushed or crushed peels close to your plant. The smell of the garlic peels deters some pests. In addition, garlic skins can also be placed in the compost or around your garden as a barrier to repel pests with the strong odor.

Use garlic and onion peels as fertilizer

Fertilizer made from garlic and onion peels can especially help increase soil fertility by encouraging normal plant growth. You will need two handfuls each of garlic and onion peels for this purpose. Put the peels in a pot with a quart of water and bring to a boil. Then let the peels steep on low heat for 20 minutes. Then use a cheesecloth to drain the broth. Finally, dilute the same with eight quarts of water. Especially cucumbers and zucchini like this fertilizer very much.