Every plant needs to be fertilized from time to time to thrive. However, you don’t always have to use commercial fertilizers. You can also provide plants with the necessary substances from domestic sources.

There are numerous fertilizers available on the market that provide the necessary nutrients to the plants. However, you can also make your own fertilizer from ordinary raw materials that will support plant growth. Banana water is very versatile and can be used for most plants. It contains enough basic elements, and the plants will do well afterwards. How to make it simple?

Preparation of banana fertilizer

You will need ripe bananas, a container with a lid and water (ideally rainwater or tap water). Peel the ripe bananas and cut them into small pieces. The riper the bananas, the better, because they contain more nutrients. Also cut off the peels (if you use organic bananas) and put everything in a container. Add water until the bananas are completely covered. Use a ratio of 1-part bananas to 5 parts water.

Close the container with the lid but leave it slightly open to allow the gases to escape. Leave it for about 3-4 days in a warm place, but without direct sunlight. During this time, fermentation will take place, decomposing organic matter and releasing nutrients into the water. Then use a sieve to remove the solid remains of bananas. Dilute the resulting liquid with clean water in the ratio of 1 part banana water to 5-10 parts water. This will prevent possible burning of the plant roots due to the high concentration of nutrients.

You can water most plants with it

Use this diluted solution to water your plants or apply it as a foliar spray. However, be sure to avoid spraying during the hottest times of the day. Banana fertilizer is rich in potassium, phosphorus and other micronutrients and therefore benefits most plants. You can fertilize with banana water about every 14 days.

It is particularly suitable for fruiting plants. The high potassium content supports the development of flowers and fruits. Plants such as tomatoes, peppers, strawberries and melons thrive after banana fertilizer. However, you can also use it for flowering plants such as roses, orchids and others, which benefit from the high phosphorus content that supports their flowering and overall health. Leafy vegetables like lettuce, spinach and kale are also crops you can support with banana fertilizer.

However, it is also suitable for houseplants and other garden plants. However, do not apply it to acid-loving plants such as blueberries. Banana fertilizer should be used as a supplement to a balanced fertilization plan and should not be the only source of nutrients for your plants. It’s always a good idea to monitor the health of your plants and adjust your fertilizer supply accordingly. It is also worth adding banana peels to your garden compost.