In your vegetable patch are there free places? Then sprout there tasty leaves that will provide healthy enjoyment in autumn and winter. These 3 types of vegetables can be sown in September.

Vegetables from your own garden simply taste best – and not just in summer! Many a species is also ideally suited for later cultivation and can – of course with regard to crop rotation – replace one or the other harvested summer vegetable. Especially the seeds of tasty leafy vegetables may now take up residence in the prepared bed. What vegetables you can sow in September and what you need to consider when sowing, we tell you below.

One tip right from the start: To ensure that the seeds germinate and the vegetables in the garden ultimately thrive, you should always press your seeds lightly and water them well. It is also important to ensure evenly moist soil during cultivation.

  1. Spinach

True spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is easy to grow and definitely worth sowing in September with its nutrient-packed leaves. By mid-month, you can plant the seeds to enjoy the vegetable fresh through the fall and winter. Important: Choose spinach varieties that are appropriate for the season, such as ‘Matador’ or ‘Monnopa’. Here’s how: Grow rows in the bed about 8 inches apart and plant the dark sprout seeds close together and sufficiently deep in the soil (about one inch). Six to eight weeks later, harvesting can usually begin slowly. Tip: To be on the safe side, protect overwintering varieties from frost with a fleece.

  1. Pak choi

Whether as a crunchy salad or as an ingredient in a spicy stir-fry dish, pak choi is a vitamin-rich cabbage from the Far East that is also enriching the menu in this country with its mildly spicy flavor. For sowing mustard cabbage, the longest and hottest days of the year should be behind us, otherwise the vegetable will quickly shoot. Usually, you put the seeds in the ground by early August, but there are varieties such as ‘Tatsoi’ or ‘White Celery Mustard’ that are still good to grow in early September.

Sow pak choi about two inches deep and provide about 30 x 20 inches of space unless you plan to harvest the vegetable later as an Asian salad. In that case, the spacing can be less. As soon as the leaves are ten centimeters tall, they can be harvested – usually seven to nine weeks after sowing. Tip: The young leaves are particularly delicate in taste!

  1. Lamb’s lettuce

The leaves of lamb’s lettuce are also small, nutrient-rich powerhouses that provide us with fresh, nutty-tasting greens during the cold season. To harvest from November and into January, you need to sow lamb’s lettuce seeds between early and mid-September. To do this, choose hardy varieties such as ‘Dark Green Fullhearted’ that are suitable for fall and winter harvesting.

Draw furrows in the bed at intervals of at least 4 inches. The fine seeds are then placed fairly shallowly in the soil. The plantlets should later be able to grow with about four inches apart.