Did you know that mint is not a single plant, but a whole genus of aromatic plants? The genus Mentha offers a rich palette of flavors and exciting and sometimes unusual aromas ranging from lime to chocolate. Peppermint, which we all know and love, plays an important role in medicine, cooking, mixology and aromatherapy, among other uses, and is not at all difficult to grow, whether in planters or outdoors. But is April good for planting? When and how to plant mint in pots or directly in the garden? Here’s what you need to know about it.

Planting mint offers several advantages!

Mint is one of my favorite aromatic plants because it can be used in a thousand and one ways, including in super varied dishes. It’s used fresh in salads and sauces, including the beautifully reinterpreted Pesto , can be flavored with roasted early potatoes or buttered pea puree, or added to sorbets, smoothies and cocktails, or made into tea. In summer, its aroma also repels mosquitoes! In short, it’s the quintessential plural herb and I love it! But such a wondrous herb is probably pretty difficult to grow, right?

What you need to know about growing mint

The first thing you need to know about peppermint is that it’s not whimsical at all. Perennial aromatic grass thrives in most soil types and can tolerate both full sun and partial shade. But considering that it can grow 1 m tall and wide, it must be ensured enough growing space. In the garden, individual plants are well spaced apart, and for growing in containers, large containers or pots with a diameter of 60 cm or more must be chosen. Plastic, metal and ceramic are suitable materials as long as the container has drainage holes.

When to plant mint?

Spring is the ideal season to plant mint, although growing it in pots under roof is possible all year round. In any case, planting mint in March, April and May is ideal, whether in a planter or outdoors. Logically, as always when planting in the garden, we make sure that the frost has passed. While in bloom, mint attracts many beneficial pollinating insects, and you can pick its young green leaves throughout the summer and into the fall.

Choose seeds or seedlings?

As a rule, it is not worth growing mint from seed, as the germination rate is relatively low and the process is quite slow. Of course, if you want, you can always make your own indoor seedling.  Otherwise, it is very easy to take cuttings from roots, stems or leaves, and buying seedlings from nurseries is not expensive at all – both approaches speed up the overall process. The rhizomes of mint easily take root, and you will have a beautiful, vigorous plant in no time.

How to plant mint?

To plant, use garden soil enriched with compost, seedling soil, or an all-purpose mix like those used to repot houseplants. The only thing mint hates on the soil side is soggy soil. So, choose good drainage and make sure your soil is not too heavy or compacted. Make a hole in the garden slightly larger than the root ball, place the young plant in it and gently tamp the soil all around with your hands. There you go.

Care and watering

As I mentioned at the beginning, the care of mint is minimal. Twigs and leaves are removed occasionally to encourage bushy growth, pruned after flowering, and watered more frequently in the summer, especially in hot, dry weather. Take into account that mint in a pot can dry out quite quickly, so check the soil regularly and water if necessary.