Hair stands on end, skin becomes very pale and muscles start to tremble. People who often feel cold are all too familiar with this sensation. Although feeling cold is a normal reaction of the body to a low ambient temperature, an excessive sensation of cold can also be a symptom of various medical problems. That’s why in this article you’ll find 7 possible causes or illnesses that could be behind the fact that you’re constantly cold.

Why Am I Always So Cold? 7 possible causes

1. lack of fluids

Water really boosts your metabolism. But if you don’t drink enough fluids, you’ll have trouble assimilating food, which is necessary to produce energy and heat in your body. That’s why you should always make sure you drink at least two liters of water a day. If you don’t like pure water, you can give it a delicious taste by adding a few slices of lemon or cucumber.

2. hypothyroidism

In hypothyroidism, too little thyroid hormone is produced, which considerably slows down metabolic processes in the body. As a result, less heat is produced and your body starts to feel cold. If symptoms such as fatigue, lack of energy and depression are added, it’s a good idea to consult a doctor. If the doctor finds hypothyroidism, this is treated with medication – unfortunately, there is no cure yet.

3. Underweight

Even if you’re underweight or even anorexic, you’ll still feel cold, because there’s too little subcutaneous fat to maintain body heat. If you also cut back on calories in a targeted way and eat too little, your metabolism becomes unbalanced, which has a negative effect on temperature regulation and thus reinforces the feeling of cold. It’s therefore essential to rethink your eating habits and opt for a balanced diet – or, in an emergency, seek professional help.

4. anemia

When the body doesn’t have enough red blood cells, it’s called anemia. Oxygen transport to organs and tissues is disrupted, resulting in cold hands and feet. If symptoms such as pale skin, rapid pulse, fatigue and headaches are present, it’s inevitable to consult a doctor. If anemia is detected, further tests are carried out to identify the deficiencies responsible. These are then compensated for by a balanced diet or food supplements.

5. circulatory disorders

In the case of circulatory disorders, the arteries are unable to supply the organs and tissues with sufficient blood, so that the body becomes pale and starts to feel cold. Only a doctor can determine whether this is really a blood circulation problem. If it is, the condition can be treated by lifestyle changes – such as stopping smoking – medication or, in rare cases, surgery.

6. lack of sleep

It’s important to get enough sleep to be able to regulate body temperature reasonably. People who don’t get enough sleep tend to be more sensitive to the cold, and therefore feel colder all the time. However, this can be remedied by better planning the day and adapting it so that 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night are achieved.

7. Raynaud’s syndrome

Raynaud’s syndrome is a rare disease affecting 4% of the world’s population. In this case, minimal cold already affects the arteries to the point of disrupting blood flow to the fingers and toes, which eventually become white and numb. As soon as the body temperature stabilizes, blood returns to the fingers and toes. They then regain their reddish color and full functional capacity. If you notice this phenomenon at home, it’s a good idea to consult a doctor.

Of course, not all cases of frostbite are serious. It’s much more likely that a low outside temperature, a cold or a mild flu are responsible. But if you’re really cold all the time and excessively so, and you notice other symptoms, it’s best to have the cause investigated by a doctor so you can take action as quickly as possible.