Before you think about throwing away used tea bags, you might want to reconsider this gesture. And for good reason, these objects can have amazing uses and make your home life easier. You know that simple tea bags can come in handy in the kitchen or bathroom. Find out how you can use them to benefit.

Why do you need to throw tea bags down the sink drain before going to bed?

Throwing used tea bags in the trash right after use can be a mistake on your part. The reason? These are excellent air fresheners that it would be a shame not to use them for this purpose. They can be used to absorb bad odors in the kitchen or bathroom and even those from your drains. And it is this last case that we will look at in more detail.

Food debris, bacteria and germs are all elements that accumulate in our drains. In addition, grease, soap residues and lime deposits accumulate in pipes that are not regularly maintained, all of which are causes of bad odors. To use tea bags for this purpose, they would first need to be dried in the sun to dehydrate them. Then, place two or three on the drain of your sink before wetting them under a faucet. Close it up and let these odor absorbers sit overnight. You may find in the morning that this simple process has succeeded in removing unpleasant odors from your pipes.

The best part is that you will incorporate this trick into your daily habits. So, don’t hesitate to put the tea bags on the kitchen sink drain or bathroom sink every night before going to bed. It is also noted that the same principle applies to the refrigerator. Placing tea bags effectively deodorizes them. An environmentally friendly gesture that allows these bags to be recycled wisely.

Discover the other unexpected uses of your used tea bags

You’ll be surprised to know that used tea bags don’t just deodorize your sinks. They have multiple functions, proving once again that it’s smarter to keep them than to throw them in the trash:

  • Glasses with used tea bags shine

With a damp tea bag, it is possible to make the glass shine and remove stubborn fingerprints or grease stains. And for good reason, surfaces like mirrors, windows or even glasses can benefit from its cleaning properties. To do so, simply rub the sachet over the problem areas and then wipe the surfaces with a paper towel to restore their shine. It should also be noted that tea bags can also help clean kitchen utensils in the sink.

  • Deodorize your shoes with tea bags

Tea bags can be a great help to perfume your shoes that give off bad odors. Dry the tea bags and then place them inside the shoe. Leave them on overnight.

  • Use used tea bags to revive plants

If you have plants like ferns or roses, you can stimulate their growth with the tannins in the tea. Tea proves to be an excellent organic fertilizer. The trick is to simply bury your used tea bags in the dirt. By watering them, they will also hold water, keeping the soil moist longer. By storing your used tea bags, you can put them to good use and make many everyday tasks easier.